The Legend of Pageon

And The Winners Are?

Kivjn: What can we do?
Jaco: Don't you get it? There's nothing you can do! Let me show you my true power.

Suddenly, he starts dancing and posing in different positions. Looking at the sight makes our heroes and even Indean sweat drop in confusion.

Jaco: HA! HA! HA!

Teey: Would your ass get on with it already?!
Jaco: Such insolence from a little brat like you. I'll shut your mouth up with this!

He suddenly hits the ground, which causes the whole ground to shake.

Ariel: What's happening!?
Kivjn: He's somehow causing a tremendous earthquake.

Indean: Don't look behind you.

Ignoring Indean's sarcastic request, Malus looks behind him and sees a huge fissure heading straight for them.

Malus: Everyone watch out!

But it was too late. They all fall into the giant hole in the ground.

Indean: Now for the chaser.

He opens his mouth wide and spits out a river of dirt out of its mouth and buries the kids alive.

Jaco: Good work. They didn't last long.

While the evil duo laugh at their success, the fissure starts bubbling and in flash of light, out jump Malus, Kivjn, Ariel, and Teey.

Indean: BUT HOW!?

Malus: Surprised?
Teey: I hate to admit it Malus. But that plan was awesome.

Jaco: Plan?

Kivjn: Yes. It was his plan.
Malus: Let me explain. Teey used his water powers to make the dirt, we were buried under, muddy. Kivjn the carried us out of the mud in a light barrier before we all drowned in the mud.

Ariel: Now its time to take you down. HA!

It seems while they were all talking, Ariel was charging her power. She lets loose two streams of fire from her hands directly at both Jaco and Indean.
This makes the earth barrier covering them crumble off.

Jaco and Indean: OOH FUCK!

Malus: Now time to finish this. Ready Kivjn?
Kivjn: Anytime you are!

They both attack with a combined force of light and electricity. The attack lands a direct hit on the unprotected bodies of Jaco and Indean.
In a flash of light and dust, Jaco and Indean scream from the pain and soon disappear.

Malus: (panting) Its..over..
He falls to his knees.

Eevan: Kivjn!
Kivjn: Hey look! Its Eevan and the others!

Jimgla: Hey Malus. How you doing?
Malus: I'm cool.

Ariel: He put up a good fight. If it wasn't for him, we probably wouldn't be here right now.
Malus: hahah thanks Ariel. but I do have one question.
Jimgla: Yes?

Malus: Teey. Why did you hate to admit I had a good idea?
Teey: Huh!? Ummm hahaaha. I have know idea what you're talking about.

Everyone laughs....
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gotta love the humor in this