The Legend of Pageon

Looks are Deceiving

The next morning, we find our heroes beginning their journey to the special cave. Going through the twisted, tangled jungle was a tedious job, but they finally made it. However, they soon see that a huge cliff stops them in their tracks.

Teey: Great. How are we supposed to get to the other side?
Jimgla: I think we should we should split up into teams of four to find a way across.
Sarla: Okay. i think we split up based on our element types. So Mylo and Jimgla will go with Teey and me, while Kivjn and Eevan will go Ariel and Di-load.

Ariel: Sounds like a plan. So our team will right while you guys go left.

Soon they are all off. However, the cliff seems to extend forever both ways. Hunger soon overtakes everyone stomach.

Teey: I'm hungry!
Mylo: Shut up! We have to find a way across, then we can focus on eating.
Jimgla: Actually Mylo, it is getting dark. We nay as well camp right here and find something to eat.
Teey: O yea! (Sticks tongue at Mylo)
Sarla: Look! Its a house! Maybe we can ask if we can stay there the night.
Mylo: Shit. Its better than staying out here.

As they get closer to the house, its starts to pour down rain on them.

Jimgla: Are you serious?! It's gonna get my puff all wet!

Hearing this remark causes Teey, Mylo, and Sarla to sweat drop at Jimgla's slowness.

Sarla; Uh yea, but lets hurry up and ask if we can stay the night.

They all run up to the house and knock on the door. A small, wrinkly old woman with a cane opens the door.

Woman: He..hello?
Mylo: Hi. I'm sorry for knocking at late an hour, but may we stay here for the night to get out of the rain?
Woman: Why sure sweeties. Its of no burden to me. Why such cute animals you have! (points to Jimgla and Sarla)
Teey: Thank old lady!

Teey starts to run in, but trips over the cane.

Woman: Oopsy! Did I do that? I'm so sorry young one. I must be losing my eye sight.

They all walk in and see the house is very old and creaks loudly. The window shutters violently slam on the window pane.

Teey: ummm..I don't think I wanna stay in here anymore.
Woman: Nonsense! now let me fix you something to eat and show you young ones to your rooms.

Meanwhile, the other group are also trying to take shelter from the rain.

Kivjn: I see something way over. (points to a mysterious looking mansion)
Eevan: Funny how someone lives all the way out here. Maybe we should see if we can stay the night in there instead of staying out here.

They run up to the door and knock on the door. Soon, a short, chubby man opens the door.

Man: Why hello there. How may I help you fine fellows today?
Ariel: I'm sorry to bother but may we please stay the night in your house for the night. The rain is very cold.
Man: Why sure. No problem. I've got an extra set of beds for all four of you.
Kivjn: Great! Thank you so much!
Di-load: (Stares suspiciously at the smiling man)

They walk into the luxurious mansion and see that its decked out in lights and a huge chandelier hangs from the ceiling. They can see the dining room is full of scented candles and delicious foods.

Man: Help yourselves to anything you like.
Kivjn: Thank you. Oh may we ask what your name is?
Man: ( faces darkens) My name is Michael. (face lightens back up) And yours?
Ariel: My name is Ariel,his is Kivjn.
Michael: And the little ones?
Ariel: huh? Oh they are Eevan and Di-load.
Michael: Nice.

Soon, the group is stuffing their faces with chicken, roast, brisket, greens, mac and cheese,and washing it down with soda after soda.

Michael: Did you eat you fill?
Kivjn: Hecky yea.
Michael: Good. Your rooms are now prepared for you.

They all walk up to find two lavish, queen-size bedrooms and two small doll-size beds.

Ariel: This is beautiful Michael! Thank you!
Michael: No problem.

Back at the old broken house...

Malus: What's your name kind lady?
Woman: My name is Jasmine. And yours are?
Teey: I'm Teey and hes Mylo.
Jasmine: And who are your companions?
Teey: They are Jimgla and Sarla.

They walk up to their rooms and see that the beds are worn down and dusty.

Jasmine: And the little ones can sleep in these here baskets. (Pulls out two large picnic baskets)
Mylo: Thank for the food and the bed arrangements.
Jasmine: Your welcome sweetie. Good night. (Closes the door slowly)

As the night goes on both groups are sound asleep.

Jasmine: (picks up a phone and starts dialing a number)
Michael: Hello?
Jasmine: Did you get the kids?
Michael: Yes. Did you get yours?
Jasmine: Yes. hahaha I can't wait til I get to have some fun with them.
Michael: We have to wait til midnight, just like the master told us, Jimay.
Jasmine: yes I know Merk. That's when our powers are strongest. MWHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

Lightning flashes across both windows they are standing by and the two both change form to a silhouette of a strange robotic monster and a small flying creature....
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I know its confusing now but I'll explain later, just keep reading when i post some more ;)