The Legend of Pageon

Curiosity Killed The..Creature?

Sarla: Jimgla get up!
Jimgla: ..Huh.?
Sarla: Get up and follow me!
Jimgla: Ugh fine but this better be good because if you woke me for some stupid shit, I'm gonna kick your ass.
Jimgla: Okaaayy! Gosh you bitch.

They both cautiously walk through the creaky, tattered house, one behind the other. Suddenly they hear a maniacal laugh.

Jimgla: OOH HELL NAW! I'M OUTTA HERE! (starts to walk away)
Sarla: If you don't bring your ass back here! Listen, its coming from up there.

JImgla looks up and stares in awe as she sees unwinding staircases leading up to the very far ceiling.

Jimgla: You must be out your mind if you think I'm climbing that far just fix your curiosity problem Sarla. You can kiss my ass.
Sarla: Just come on! (pulls Jimgla by her arm.)

Eventually, they reach the top of the stairs.

Sarla: Ughh...I'm..exhaus..ted.
Jimgla: Well who's idea was to climb all those damn stairs?!
Sarla: Yea yea yea. Hush. Look there's a door.
Jimgla: Why is there only one up here? The hallways soooo big.
Sarla: I don't know, but its open.

They both quietly sneak in.

Jimgla: (trips over a broken wood plank) OWWW!
Sarla: BE QUIET!
Jimay: Well look who we have here.
Sarla: Shitt!...

In the mansion....
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those idiots XD