The Legend of Pageon

Battle in the Dark

Merk: How you guys doing?
Ariel: GAAAH! Let me go!
Merk: Now where's the fun in that? I think I'll kill you slowly in the..dark. (snaps fingers and all the lights go off.)
Kivjn: Damn! Where you guys at?
Merk: No need to worry, young one. It'll all be over soon.
Ariel: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Merk: Huh?

Merk turns around and see a bright light going on in the cage. It turns out its Ariel!

Ariel: Get away from them! (Flames swirl around her fists.) HAAAA! (The flames shoot out and crush the cage.)
Merk: Nooooo!
Ariel: Hell yea. You're done for now. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Charges up a ball of fire in her hands and throws it.)
Merk: NO! Take this! (swallows the flame in a dark hole and the he disappears into the shadows.)
Ariel: Where is he?
Merk: Behind you honey.
Ariel: (Gasps) Gotcha! (throws a fireball behind her.) Did I get him?
Merk: Nooooo.
Ariel: AAAAH! (throws another fireball.)
Merk: Missed again. Shame. You need to work on your aim.
Ariel: Shut up! Come out now!
Merk: Ok if you say so. (A shadow comes up to Ariel and strangles her by her throat.)
Ariel: (Choking)

Kivjn: No! (He also starts to glow and lets a bright light out of his hands.)
Merk: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! (runs back into the shadows.)
Ariel: Did you do it?
Kivjn: I..don't know what I did...
Ariel: Well whatever seems like it worked.
Kivjn: Yea. You guys good?
Eevan/Di-load: Yea, we're good.
Ariel: Cool. Now lets get out of here and find the others.

Back at the old house, Malus is standing in the strangely quiet room.

Malus: Did I really do it?
♠ ♠ ♠
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