The Legend of Pageon


Malus: Hey Teey! You good up there bro?
Teey: Oh you know. I'm just hanging. GET ME DOWN!
Malus: Hahaha. I got you.

He breaks the branches holding Teey.

Teey: Thank goodness. Lets get Jimgla and Sarla down before they end up soup.
Jimgla: Yea. I would appreciate it.
Malus: Shut up. We're coming.

A few minutes later, Sarla and Jimgla are free from their bonds.

Jimgla: Alright. I've had enough of staying here. Let's get outta here.
Sarla: Yea. This place is too crazy for my ass.

They all run out of the place when...

Jimay: So you think you can escape here alive!? Not gonna happen!
Sarla: AH HELL NAW! This crazy hoe is on our tale! RUN!

They all run into the forest, Jimgla on top of Malus' shoulders and Sarla and Teey holding hands. They run deeper into the forest hoping they can find the rest of their gang.

Ariel: It feels like we've been going in circles this time. I swear I seen this tree already!
Di-load: We in a forest dude. Of course everything looks alike.
Merk: Hey kiddies.
Ariel: AHH! I thought you was dead!
Merk: Seems like you thought wrong. DIE!

He throws a shadowy ball at the group. They all dodge it, but Merk slips back into the darkness.

Ariel: Keep running!

They run on into the endless forest.

Kivjn: You heard that?
Eevan: Yea. Could it be?
Teey: Look its Ariel and Kivjn!
Malus: Thank god. Hey guys. Uhh we got a problem. We have a crazy creature behind us. What are we gonna do?
Ariel: We have someone after us too. Uhh it seems like they're gone for now so we're safe.

They all come to the cliff they saw before. They decide to relax here for a minute until they can devise a plan to get across and outta harms way.

Malus: So I think we can get across by Teey using his water powers to get the river below to surf us there.
Sarla: The thing is though, his powers aren't advanced enough to handle that. Remember you guys just figured out you guys can do such things like not too long ago.
Malus: True. Anyone else got a better idea?
Merk & Jimay: We can help with it.

Merk and Jimay walk out of the shadows of the forest. Both have a psychotic, bloodthirsty look in their faces.

Merk: Nowhere to run.
Jimay: Unless you decide to dive off the cliff into your doom.
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Spooky :) keep checking up on this guys. please leave comments