The Legend of Pageon

Ignorance Is Not Bliss

Sarla: Get em, Teey!

He charges at Jimay with the blade of water.

Jimay: It won't be that easy.

She pushes him back with the dark aura emitting from her hands.
Teey keeps charging, but he can't get near Jimay without her pushing him back.

Teey: I..can't do it Sarla.
Jimay: Why don't we make this interesting? How about it will be four vs one? Malus, Jimgla, Teey, and Sarla against me, while Merk versus Kivjn, Eevan, Ariel, and Di-load. It's not like you guys can win anyways.

Malus: Someone is awfully confident.
Ariel: They have good reason to be. They are strong.
Jimgla: Sarla, I have a plan! Come here.
Sarla: Alright what is it?...Mhmm...Mhmm...Okay. Got it.
Jimgla: Ok Malus, you will also need to learn a new move right now.

Malus: I can? What is it?
Jimgla: Put both of your hands in front of you. Then concentrate on putting all of your energy into your palms. Then release the energy into a flurry of electric balls.
Malus: Alright. Let see.

He does what he is told. Soon sparks pop off in his hands. Then blasts of electric balls fly out of his hand toward Jimay!

Jimay: Hmph! (Deflects them) Pitiful.
Malus: It didn't work, Jimgla.
Jimgla: Just keep it up, dude. You know what I'm saying?
Malus: Yea I got you. (He starts firing faster.) RAAAAAAH!
Jimgla: Good.

Sarla: Ok Teey. You've got to get up and help.
Teey: Alright. I'm up. What's the plan?
Jimay: You'll never beat me with a little attack like this, Malus.
Jimgla: Keep firing! Don't let up!

Teey: Gotcha..

Jimay fell in agony while Teey looked pleased that the plan worked. Jimay laid on the ground with the water blade pierced through the back of her head.

Merk: That fool. She was so overconfident with one person that she forgot she was up against two people. Her ignorance was her downfall.
Kivjn: So you knew about the plan the whole time?
Merk: I did.

Kivjn: Then why didn't you say anything to her when Teey crept behind her?
Merk: It was her battle. Why should I be held accountable for her dumb mistake? She paid the price for it.
Ariel: Some team player you are. But now its our turn so get ready to fight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like that ending :) sorry for not updating in awhile. Been going through somethings.
Keep up with me though.