The Legend of Pageon

Merk's End

Merk: Your friend is finished.
Teey: No you are!

Teey charges at Merk full force. However, none of his punches or kicks landed.

Merk: Pitiful. Time for you to follow your friend to the next world. (Lashes his tail at Teey.)
Malus: You idiot! Move!
Teey: Huh? (Chokes) Help..(Cough)..Me..
Ariel: Let him go!
Merk: I'm sorry dear, but I can't. He broke the rules. It was supposed to be me versus you. Now he's got to suffer the consequences for being disobedient.

Ariel: I won't stand for this!

She cups her hands together, then charges a huge flame in her hands.

Merk: I wouldn't do that Missy. I still got your friend here. He's not dead yet.
Malus: Ha! That's what you think.

Malus sends a flurry of electric bolts at Merk's tail.

Merk: OOOOOOW! (Lets go of Teey)
Malus: I got you. What were you thinking? He could have killed you!
Teey: Ha ha Just tryna play hero. (Passes out)
Ariel: Is he ok?
Malus: Yea he's fine. Don't worry about us though! Defeat Merk NOW!

Merk: You're gonna pay for that.
Ariel: No you are!
Merk: What!?

He looks behind him and sees an angry Ariel still charging her flame.

Merk: What do you plan to do with that puny attack again?
Ariel: I plan to kill you! NOW TAKE THIS!

She lets loose a huge flame wave at Merk.


The dust clears and there's no sign of Merk anywhere.

Ariel: Yes!..It's..finished.
Malus: Great job.
Ariel: Thanks.

They both suddenly remember Kivjn falling to his death.

Ariel: (sniffle)..He's dead isn't he?
Malus: I'm..afraid so..
Ariel: DAMNIT! That should have been me!..(Cries)
Jimgla: Don't say that Ariel. Kivjn wouldn't want you to say that. He saved you because he didn't wanna see you die.

Eevan:..He's..not dead!
Everyone: What!
Eevan: He's not dead. I can still sense his energy!. It's faint, but I can still feel it.
Malus: You guys can sense our energy?
Di-load: Well only those of us who are grouped together. So basically; I can sense Ariel's energy, Sarla can sense Teey's energy, Eevan can sense Kivjn's energy, and Jimgla can sense your energy, Malus.

Ariel: Wow! So..(sniffle) we still have a chance to save Kivjn!?
Eevan: Yes. For as long as I can feel his energy, he's still alive for the moment. But we have to hurry.
Sarla: We'll go after Teey wakes and everyone is recovered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the new readers. I hope everyone likes this chapter because I do. :D