The Legend of Pageon

How The Mighty Have..Tripped?

The next day, our heroes are trying to find a lost, near-death Kivjn. Their search has led them to a staircase made of rock formed at the end of the large cliff Kivjn fell off of.

Eevan: What luck! We found a way down!
Ariel: C'mon! We gotta hurry and find Kivjn! Can you still sense him Eevan?
Eevan: Yes, but barely. We have no time to waste.

They rush down the long, winding rock staircase. Finally they reach the end of it. However, just as they reach the end of it, Teey trips over a tripwire.

Teey: OW! Who the hell put that there?
Malus: Aha! Fail.
Teey: Fuck y...Huh?

They all hear a loud rumbling sound. It gets louder by the second, and soon the ground starts to shake!

Jimgla: What the hell did you do?
Sarla: AHA! LOOK UP!

They look up and see giant boulders raining down from the cliff above.

Di-load: It's a trap! Move!

They all scramble for cover, but to no avail.

Malus: Why are we running? We have powers, so lets use them.
Jimgla: Are you sure you can do this? Those boulders are very large.
Malus: I'm positive we can do this. C'mon you guys.

Teey grabs one of Sarla's spikes and starts slicing the boulders with his sharp sword.
Ariel starts throwing fireball after fireball, while Malus releases his electric ball flurry attack.
Soon, the boulder rampage is over.

Teey: Ha! I knew we could do it.

He takes a step backwards and trips another tripwire, and the air is soon poisoned with sleeping gas.

Di-load, Jimgla, Sarla: What the... (Passes out)
Ariel: It's sleeping gas! Everyone..hold..your..breee.... (Passes out)
Malus: (Passes out)
Teey: O're a...a..aaaa.... (Passes out)

As the heroes lay there sleeping, strange shadows loomed over them....
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell what I need to do to make this story more interesting please :) but thank you for reading.