The Legend of Pageon

Sorry But I Have Other Plans

Teey: RAHHH!

He charges full force at the giant, swords in hand. They both clash with a loud pinging noise!

Giant: Nice job. How long can you go on?

Teey: Screw you! I'll beat you!

Teey takes a step back, tucks his blade under the giant's blade, and throws it up in the air! This shocks the giant as he gasps in awe at Teey's amazing willpower. As the giant stands still in shock, Teey tackles him to the ground and stands on his huge belly, sword in the giant's face.

Giant: You are truly the better warrior. I submit defeat.

Teey: Ha. Now its goodbye for you. (Swings his sword down)

Ariel: Teey! Stop!

Teey: What!?

Malus: Are you crazy!? Can't you see he doesn't seem to mean us any harm?

Teey: This fool just tried to slice me in half!

Ariel: We don't kill if no one means us any harm. After all this was all a big misunderstanding.

Teey looks at them, then glares down at the giant. He decides to listen to his comrades.

Teey: Hey dude. I'm sorry. (Raises his arms behind his back.) We are looking for a friend of ours. He fell off the cliff above. We don't think he's dead yet. If we can get to him in time, maybe we can save him.

Giant: Thank you kind sir and oh you're friends of the one who miraculously was found in our Pool of Mystics.

Ariel: Pool..of Mystics?

Giant: All will be explained later. Comrades! We're moving out! You guys come follow us.

Malus: We may actually find him guys! But we have to hurry!


They arrive at the base of their attackers. It is a quaint village filled with lush scenery. Beautiful flowers grow all around. The shelters are made of bamboo sticks and seem to reach to the tops of the trees. One house stuck out the most. It has large pillars on top of a wood platform. It seem to stretch from edge of the village to the other. Our heroes see the natives of the village bowing down in front of a large stone figure at the top of the house.

Ariel: What are they doing?

Giant: They are praying to Lord Kimo for forgiveness.

Ariel: Forgiveness?

Giant: I will tell you the story....One day a great famine swept across our town. Nothing would grow. Water was scarce. The young and the elderly started to die off quickly. We ran to our Chief and Fortune-Teller, Passasumo, to seek ideas to save the inhabitiants living here. He said one day there will be vegetation and water. It will come soon. We listened to him and waited. And then a dark and terrible cloud came across us. It, however, didn't rain water. It rainned monsters. Dark and hideous creatures with strange powers to control mother nature's elements. They destroyed our village with lightning, burned our remaining trees with fire, and ironically flooded us with water which they summoned from the heavens above.
Chief Passasumo confronted the head of this evil menace, Lord Kimo, so that he would stop his terrible war crime. Lord Kimo was not fazed with Passasumo's threats, even when our beloved chief said that he sees defeat in Lord Kimo's future. Lord Kimo struck our leader with a mysterious beam. After that, he has never been the same. His eyes are gray and emotionless. Also, he put us to work for Lord Kimo. In exchange for the hard work, Lord Kimo gave us vegetation and a water supply aka the Pool of Mystics.

Ariel: wow.. I'm so sorry. Malus we have to help them.

Malus looked at her with a "why did you say that?" look.

Giant:You'll help us! Thank you! We will greatly appreciate this!

Malus: haha yeaaa...Ariel can I see you over here for a minute?

They both walk over to a little area out of hearing from Teey and the Giant.

Malus: why did you say that!? Our plan was to save Kivjn from death remember?

Ariel: yea well we can help them. We have these powers for a reason remember? To help the world out.

Malus: yea well if we're ever gonna do that we can't get distracted by others problems.

Jimgla: I'm sorry Ariel but I have to agree with Malus.

Di-load: yea me too.

Ariel: fine. *sigh* I'll tell the giant.

Malus: good.

They walk over to the giant and Ariel breaks the news to the giant.

Ariel: I'm so sorry mr. Giant. We have only one mission though.

Giant: it's ok. We have no right to push our problems on strangers. On a brighter note, we've reach our destination. It's right through this short cave.

They walk through the magnificent cave. The buzzing lighting bugs shown in the dark. Teey looked over at Sarla, whose diamond eyes glistened brightly.

Sarla: what?

Teey: haha you look funny.

Sarla: shutup

They reached the end of the cave and what they saw baffled them. A waterfall greeted them as fell from the cliff high above. A small shack was set upon athe edge of a hill with a bridge connecting from the hill to the water.

Jimgla: who lives there?

Giant: Fisher Fufu. She found your friend floating on top of the water unconscious.

Eevan: come on! He is most definitely in here! I can feel it.

They all run to the house. They are soon greeted with a short fat woman. She appeared to be at least forty years off age. She wore a hat made of twigs.

Fufu: hellur there.

Ariel: hi! Uhh we are looking for our friend. We were told he landed here after he fell off the cliff above. Have you seen him?

Fufu: oh yes m'am. You just missed that young fellur.

Malus: we did? Dammit !
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