The Legend of Pageon

The Power 1

Malus: What's
Jimgla: I'm glad you asked. Watch me dude.

(Jimgla walks toward a tree. Suddenly she lets loose a powerful thunderbolt from her body!)

Malus: (Stunned) we..sposed to do that?
Eevan: Just follow our lead. Now I guess its time to start our training. Jimgla and Malus are partners, Kivjn is with me, Sarla, you are with Teey, while that leaves Ariel with Di-load.

Teey: WAIT! Whats happening here?
Sarla: Follow me!

(They split up, and soon the humans are listening to their little friends explain what to do.)

Jimgla: Ok now. Do you remember how you saw the map within your heart?
Malus: Yea? What about it?
JImgla: Well, you have to use the same concept. To bring out your element that is.
Malus: Ok, I'm ready.
Jimgla: Good. Now lets begin. Concentrate, then bring your arms out and when you feel a pull in your palms, let loose your energy.
Malus: Ok.
(He did it and on his first try, he sent a flurry of lighting bolts at a tree, tearing it in half.)

Malus: Oh my gosh! How did I do that?
JImgla: Wow. You already have a hang of it. Great job.
Malus: Haaha! That was awesome!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its soo short.
This story isn't very long in its chapters. But I need you guys to help me out
you know what to do. starts with "Comment" and ends with "Please"