The Legend of Pageon

The Power 2

Teey: Do what now?
Sarla: Release your concentrated energy, and hit that tree with whatever happens.
Teey: What do you mean, "Whatever happens?"
Sarla: Just do it!
Teey: Ok. Ok. Hold on.

(As he did, the ground shook a little. Then all of a sudden, huge water spouts came up and cut the tree in half from the bottom up.)

Sarla: As predicted, You, my friend are a water type.
Teey: Water type? Huh?
Sarla: I'll explain. You see, in this world, there are 8 different elements: Fire, Water, Electricity, Grass, Earth, Air, Light, and Darkness. You are a water. Your new comrades are either of the rest of the elements. We have to wait and see when we all come back together.

Teey was astounded when he heard this.

Teey: So what can a water type me do?
Sarla: They can control water at will. You will learn more on your journey.


Kivjn: That tree was just ripped to shreds! How did I do that?
Eevan: You used your concentrated energy and transformed it into blinding light capable of tearing anything down.
Kivjn: Wow I never knew I had that in me. Yes, now I thinks its time to go see the others.

Di-load: Yay! You did it!
Ariel: Hurry! There's a forest fire! We got to put it out!
Di-load: Well put it out then.
Ariel: How!?
Di-load: Well hell you caused it.
Ariel: No I didn't!,,Did I? No! I was standing right here the whole time!
Di-load: But you did. You see you have the power to control fire.
Ariel: I do?
Di-load: Yes. Now control the fire to die it out.
Ariel: I'll try.

(She put her hands out and used her energy to simmer the fire out.)

Ariel" I did it!
Di-load: Great! Now let's head back to the rendezvous point.
Ariel: Ok!


???: Well its getting around that time Jaco. Get your partner, Indean, and test their powers to see if they can do the job.
Jaco: Yes, master. It's time to move out, Indean.
Indean: Yes sir. They won't know what hit 'em. Mwahaha.
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uh oh
somethings up
what could it be?
keep looking for the update to see