Queen of the World

The Birthday

Susan sat in front of her diary and glared up at her older brother who was blatantly ignoring her. They had been at odds all day. They would probably continue that way for hours more as well. It was simply the way that they had always been. The twins were only different in age by five minutes, but it had been an important five minutes. After all, it had led to them being born on different days. That might not have been a big deal in most people's minds but it meant a lot to Susan and Carter. After all, it meant that today was Carter's birthday, but not hers. "I hate you," she snapped before looking back down at her diary and continuing writing. Carter rolled his eyes. His sister really needed a life, he decided. If she didn't get one soon, she was going to drive him crazy. He wasn't going to be able to handle that either. After all, as much as he loved his sister, it wasn't going to stop him from strangling her if she ruined his birthday this year. They were turning eighteen so that made it a very special year. That couldn't very well be ruined could it?

"You're just jealous that I'm a werewolf now and you have to wait until tomorrow night to turn," Carter teased with a smirk.

"Five minutes!" Susan snapped. "I have to wait, FIVE MINUTES to turn." She hated that fact. It wasn't fair. She should have been born first. This should have been her glory. After all, everyone admitted that she was the one with the brains. She was the stronger one, faster, more intelligent, more amiable. Carter was just a big jerk! But that five minutes meant everything! That five minutes meant her throne as queen of their pack. She should have been queen too, but no, her big brother was getting it instead. A thousand generations of queens and it was all ruined now because of five whole minutes!

Carter couldn't help but grin as he clapped his sister on the shoulder. "Well little sister, just admit it, you want to be queen. How does that feel by the way? To be the first werewolf in our line to not be queen in over a thousand generations. As the first king, I have to sya that it feels pretty damn good," her brother said with a cocky grin as he turned to walk out of the room.

Susan began to press her pen more firmly into the paper, scarring the words into it before finally breaking through the paper. An idea began to form in her mind and she couldn't help but smirk. The idea...well it was one that she simply couldn't pass up. She stood up and followed her brother, rage curling in her stomach. She didn't care about the consequences of the matter. She was going to do this. She had to protect the pack and this was the only way. It was also the only way for her to become queen. It all made sense in her mind.

She slipped out of the room following her brotehr, her hand raised and her eyes shining darkly until she came behind him at the top of the stairs. "The thing is Carter....you're never going to be king...not really," she said before raising the pen high up and stabbing it down into her brother's throat. He let out a gurgling sound and she coudln't help but laugh. It was such a wonderful sound. She did it again and again until he fell forward and down the stairs. She followed his body more slowly, the pen still clasped in her hands. Her mother, the queen came out of the kitchen and looked at her dead son's body and then at her daughter, a smile on her face. "I'm so proud of you princess," she said holding out her arms and embracing Susan as the girl ran into them. "How do you think we women have been queen for so long?" she asked with a grin before leading her daughter into the kitchen.

Susan sat down at the table and pulled a plate of food towards her, starting with the hominy, something she hadn't had the chance to eat since she had her fifteenth birthday.
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