Insane (and Most Likely Fictional) AFI Moments

2. Wet Sadness

As Hunter sat in his bathtub, waiting patiently for his bathtub buddy to arrive, he stared happily into the bubbles and hummed what sounded a lot like a combination of Friday I'm in Love by The Cure and Rubber Duckie by Ernie from Sesame Street.

Suddenly the cell phone belonging to the man in the bath was heard ringing from under the towels on the chair next to the tub that Hunter himself set out for the use of Jade Puget and himself exclusively for when they were tired of being wet and were wanting something a little more heated after the drying off process. (Try saying that in one breath!)

Hunter dried off his right hand and answered the call. A huge grin came to his face as he realized it was just the man he was waiting for, but the grin was soon eradicated as Jade had some unhappy news for him. Lately Javey had been working very hard on creating the ultimate sex toy (the vibrating condom, mentioned in the last episode of this wacky - ***don't let Johnny hear that word - story) which meant that Jade had been repeatedly blowing of the bathtub dates that him and Hunter had planned. Apparently Jade and Davey were stuck on the "how to get the condom to vibrate before the wearer cums" part of the toy. Hunter definitely knew now that Jade was interested in the prettiest member of AFI, in more than a friendly way.
With a fake smile to his voice, Hunter told Jade that it was okay, and that new sex world inventions were better for more people than just a "silly bath" was to only one man, Then Hunter heard Davey yell something, and Jade quickly said he had to go. He hung up before Hunter even had the chance to say "goodbye".

Happy bathtub songs were erased from his head, and the emoness of Joy Division quickly replaced them. Hunter stared forlornly into the dissipating bubbles, and tried to figure out exactly when Jade had decided that sex was better than baths. He had never once in his life, before ever turned down a bath with Hunter. The two men both felt that showers just couldn't cut it, were not as satisfying as soaking until you were puckered, and that all experiences were more enjoyable with your best friend next to you. When Hunvey realized the fact that they both had similar washing tastes, they made bathing together a weekly thing, only now...

Simply because condoms were better than bubbles, Hunter had been blown off eight times in the last three and a half months, and now, his dismay become full on depression. Hunter was never one for self harm, but sometimes one would become so silent, other's would forget they existed, and that was Hunter's method of dealing with extreme sadness.

Hunter waited until all the bubbles were gone from his special two person tub, then got out and dried off, after that, A long distance call was made to Nigeria...
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***If you can figure out what I meant by "Don't let Johnny hear that word" after I said wacky, I'll give boysex flavoured skittles weekly for the rest of your life.

Thanks to the three people that are subscribed to this, even if one of you is my mom...
Sorry that I didn't update last week like I said I was going to
Sorry that this was kind of kind of sad, the next one (which will hopefully be up tomorrow, or the next day) will be much happier.
I hope this still has the awesomeness that the last chapter did