Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed 04/02/2011.

Our Song


Annabelle’s POV

“But you have to come” I hear Michelle beg for the billionth time in the past half hour. “I want you there. You can’t miss it. You’re one of my bridesmaids. You’re one of my best friends” She says & I can hear her voice getting cracked, making me feel like shit for missing the rehearsal dinner.

“I know & I’m sorry. But….” I stop, feeling the knot in my throat appear again.

“Listen, I don’t know exactly what happened in Vegas, but I’m sure Brian’s not gonna mind you being there. He & Jason are in good terms now. I’m sure this will be the perfect opportunity for you guys to talk & fix whatever is needed to be fix” She says & a tear escape my eyes.

I never thought I would need to ‘fix’ something with Brian. How do you fix a broken heart? How do you fix a friendship of 20+ years that’s been thrown out the window in 20 seconds? How do you fix the unfixable?

“Please, Annabelle. I really want you there” She begs again. I want to say to her that I’m gonna go, that I’m gonna try my best to avoid Brian at all cost… but I know that I can’t. The minute I even glance at him, I’ll start crying & I don’t want that. I don’t want him to see me like that.

“I’m really sorry, Mich. I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Things between Brian & me are more complicated than just a simple talk to fix things. I rather save him from an awful night by being there. Besides, if I go & Brian starts shit again, you’ll be upset, which means Val’s gonna get upset & then Matt’s gonna be upset that Val’s upset & eventually everyone will get upset. Just have a good & fun night. It’s rehearsal dinner. You’re 2 days away from marrying the love of your life. Enjoy it” I say the last part chocking.

How can Brian be the love of Michelle’s life when he’s mine too? & why does she get to keep him? What about me? Who am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with?

“God! I swear you’re as stubborn as Brian is. I don’t know how you guys managed to stay friends for this long” She says & I smile. He gets really stubborn. “Since there’s nothing I can say to make you change your mind, I’m gonna go now. I’ll be waiting for you if you change your mind, ok? You’re always welcome” She says & we say our goodbyes before flopping down on the bed. Everything is packed. I only have a suitcase with clothes opened in case I need to go out. But I’m not planning on doing that til I have to go the wedding on Saturday. I glance at the dress hanging in the empty closet, & the outfit I’m gonna wear right after the wedding, when I take my plane to New York.

“We’re leaving, honey” My mom says from the door. I turn my head to look at her. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” She tries again. I shake my head no. “Ok. I tried” She says, before blowing me a kiss & walking downstairs. I turn to look at the ceiling again.

“Leaving” I say to myself. “I’m leaving in less than 70 hours” I mutter again. I stare at the ‘smile’ tattoo on my finger, smiling. & just like that… Brian starts filling my mind. “I wished you’d asked me to stay” I say, turning around to try to take a nap.

Brian’s POV

The evening went out in a blink. Except for the snow that started falling. Weird, snow in California, especially South Cal, but you never know. I shake my head, letting the small snowflakes from my head to fall to the floor. I look at the clock hanging on a wall & see that it’s almost midnight. Why didn’t I feel the past 6 hours? Maybe it was because my mind was somewhere else. Maybe because all I could think about was Annabelle. I can’t believe she didn’t come. I never thought she would be so selfish.

You know that’s not true The annoying voice inside my head says.

I sigh, taking off my suit jacket & tossing it on the sofa. I walk to the kitchen to grab a beer when I see something on the countertop. I walk to it & I see that it’s Annabelle’s book. My Dad must’ve given it to Michelle. I hesitate on open it, so I just grab it & toss it in the garbage. I don’t want to see & be reminded how awesome & amazing she is. How I blew it calling her a slut for thinking she fucked Jason. I grab my chin. It still hurts from where he punched me. We talked & sorted things out. But I refuse to talk to Annabelle. I don’t have the guts to look at her with everything I did & said to her. I fucked up… bad.

I open the fridge & grabbed a beer before walking back to the living room. I seat on the couch, turn on the TV & place my feet on the coffee table. Michelle hates for me to do that, but she’s not here tonight so I can do whatever the fuck I want. She’s staying with her parents until Saturday… so that means I’ll have 2 days to enjoy my final days as a bachelor.

I start channel surfing, not really paying attention at the screen, and thinking about what the hell might be in the scrapbook thingy.

You know you’re dying to see what’s in there My little voice says.

“Fuck this” I mutter, getting up to retrieve the book from the garbage. I walk back into the living room & open the book as I sit again. I see a lot of pictures she has taken over the years & I smile, seeing a lot of both of us. She even has a picture of us being shit faced the first time we tried absinth. That shit really killed us. She even has one with Kevin sleeping on me. I don’t know when she took it, but it must’ve been for Halloween since he’s sporting the cast.

Then came the part when she had magazines cut outs, almost like a collage. I think she has every fucking interview about us ever published. I laugh out loud, reading at some of our most craziest quotes that have made almost a cult for our fans.

Then came her art work. It wasn’t just artwork about the band, but some originals of her. I first see the rough sketch she did for City of Evil. No, she didn’t do the cover. When she was in school, she used to draw the City of Evil cover to practice. I browse a bit more to see the actual drawing of Johnny & myself that we used for Diamonds in the Rough, in which she collaborated with Cam. It was the first time she ever had a ‘huge break’ as she called it & she was really excited. She did an amazing job too. I then see a lot of death bats & banners with our band’s name on them, just like my Dad told us she used to do when we were on tour. “Oh, wow” I mutter when I see this amazing painting of a Mickey Mouse almost gone mad, with a knife in his hand, walking towards a creepy mansion. I remember Zacky mentioning that there was a drawing she had made that made him ask her to do a Mickey Mouse with part of his face falling off. Now I know what the fuck he was talking about. She even kept a bad drawing she did once of Jimmy & Johnny when we were on tour a couple of years ago. Then I come to one that left me speech less. It was simple letters, writingbut I don’t know why I felt that they were meant for me. I see the date… a week after she told me she was leaving.

“You’re crazy” I say to myself, closing the book & tossing it aside, making a fold piece of paper falls down from it. “Michelle’s Song” I read the title. “By Annabelle Hurley & James Owen Sullivan” I read the small letters below the title. & I start reading it.

Open your eyes, you're just like I know you
Innocence runs down your face
As hard as I try
I die when I hold you
Guilty, I miss my place

Just to be there tonight
You gotta know it's for real

Cause I'll be the man you complete tonight
Just slip away and believe your mine
We've got the time now, the rest of our lives
Now you belong to me

Let's leave today, we can go anywhere
Show me what few get to feel
I'm not the same but you steal me away
And it's such a fake world, you're the one soul that's real

Just to be there tonight (I'm alive)

I'll be the man you complete tonight
Just slip away and believe your mine
We've got the time now, the rest of our lives
Now you belong to me
Now you belong to me

Open the door and I'll walk right beside you
My Chelle, I'll give you more than a shoulder to cry
To believe, there's a place where we both live forever and we'll go
If you'll just take my hand

I'll be the man you complete tonight
Just slip away and believe your mine
We've got the time now, the rest of our lives
Now you belong to me

I'll be the man you complete tonight
Just slip away and believe your mine
We've got the time now, the rest of our lives
Now you belong to me
I'll be the man you complete
Now you belong to me

I finished reading the song & immediately stood up & grabbed my keys, fuming. I don’t give a fuck about the fucking snow blizzard that’s outside. I don’t care that I might die… I need to see her.

Annabelle’s POV

I let out a big sigh, staring out the kitchen window at the snow falling. My mom is gonna be pissed that all her beautiful flowers are covered with a fine layer of pure white snow. I just hope that it didn’t ruin the wedding rehearsal. I hear the bell ring, before I put the mug of hot coffee down & walk to the front door. I’m barely dressed but I assume it’s my parents that forgot their keys. They always do that. So I hurry… don’t want him to freeze to death. “Hey, I thought you guys were staying at Jeremy’s toni…” My voice fades out when I don’t see my parents standing there, but an almost snowman… that looks like Brian. “Wh-what are you doing here?” I ask. The last person on this earth that I thought was gonna be knocking on my parent’s door was him.

“What’s this?” He asks, lifting his hand with a piece of paper. I see the title & I’m sure my face went pale. I try to snatch it from his hand but he’s fast to hide it.

“Where did you get that? Did Jimmy give it to you?” I ask. He couldn’t have possibly done that. It was supposed to be their wedding gift before the whole drama exploded.

“You did” He says & I stare at him confused. “It was in your album” I nod my head. I never thought he was gonna even bother looking at that. “Why?” He asks & I shrug.

“Why not?” I say, turning around, knowing he was gonna follow… & he did. I turn to take a good look at him. He looks so handsome with his vest & black shirt & fancy ass tie, with his dress pants & shiny black shoes. His hair is styled perfectly but it’s Brian… he’s a bit high maintance. I shouldn’t think this, but I can’t help it. That’s when it hits me that I’m in my underwear & tank-top & a pair of chucks. I’ve never been shy to prance around Brian in my underwear but that was before I knew I had feelings for him. Now I’m a bit self-conscious about how my body looks. If he likes the way I look, but who would right now? I have no makeup on & my hair is in a messy bun. I’m the least attractive right now. & Brian is used to watch the perfect, flawless Michelle all the time. I’m just the anti-Michelle right now.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He says as I enter the kitchen to my now cold coffee. “You think this is funny?” He asks & I don’t even know why he’s mad.

“Listen, if you don’t like it, throw it away, ok” I say, turning around to find him glancing at me. “I just thought that since you guys didn’t have a song, that it’ll be nice to give you that. & since I know shit about musicality & all that crap, Jimmy helped me. But don’t worry, we never really finished it” I say, placing my hand on my hip. “This little bitch attitude & hissy fits are getting kinda old, Brian” I say, rolling my eyes at him.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Annabelle?” He says starting towards me, making me back up, hitting the fridge’s door. He slams his hand on the side of my head, with the paper crushed between his fingers. He’s starting to freak me out. I’ve never seen him this mad & frustrated. I don’t know the reason why he’s like this but he’s scaring me. I’m feeling like he might actually hurt me.

“Jesus Christ, Brian. Throw it away if you hate it that much” I yell at his face.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP” He screams at me, making me back my head & bumping into the fridge. He closes his eyes, trying to even his breathing, making every breath he exhales to hit me, making me breathless. “It’s our song” He whispers, opening slowly his eyes, staring at mine.

“Yes. That was the point” I say, stating the obvious. He shakes his head no, making me burrow my brows in confusion.

“It’s our song… you & me. Ours… not Michelle’s & mine” He says, placing one of his hands on my hip & the other caressing the side of my face.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, closing my eyes for a second, just taking in his touch. I missed it. I missed him so much. I feel his breath on my neck, him leaving small kissed there, making me tilt my head a bit for him to have more access.

“I mean…” He says stopping what he’s doing, making me look at him. His eyes have never seemed as powerful & deep as now. “I only want to complete you. Only you, Belle. Nobody else… & certainly not Michelle” He says, his eyes dropping to my lips. He starts leaning towards them, very, almost painfully, slow.

“What are you doing?” I ask, not making a move.

“What I’ve wanted to do for far too long now” He says, before placing his lips over mine, making me close my eyes & kiss back. It was a slow, short, romantic yet passionate kiss. We pull apart, breathless, him pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, still on cloud 9 from that amazing kiss. He rubs my lower back with one hand and continue leaving those soft, but good feeling kisses all over my neck and jaw. “Stay… stay with me” He whispered & in that moment I felt my whole world crumble down. “Don’t leave”
♠ ♠ ♠
JOHNNY CHRIST!!! It took me so much to update & I'm sorry. I've been really busy. So I'm gonna keep this short since the chapter was pretty long.

1. This is the song that inspired this chapter. Since I heard this song, I've been obssesed with it & I think it was fitting for this chapter.
2. This is the picture of Brian that I thought about when I wrote his outfit. He looks SMOKIN hot here.
3. The song titled 'Michelle's song', it's actually 'Sierra's song' by The All-American Rejects. I'm a huge fan of this guys & this song is so pretty. BTW... this is what inspired this whole fic. That's why it's called 'OUR song'. Just letting you know. & it's a song that Jimmy & Belle wrote for Michelle & Brian. Just to clarify things. Only it wasn't about Michelle & Brian, more like Annabelle & Brian, cuz she kinda wrote what she wanted from him. Hope that clears up things a bit.
4. They FINALLY kissed!!! Nearly at the end (Only 2 more chapters left). I know it wasn't the most thrilling chapter, but I did my best. Besides... I couldn't end it without a kiss!!! I love this characters too much.
5. I don't owned ANY of the pictures, drawings, songs, etc, used, so don't sue.
6. The next chapter is almost done. Still thinking if I'm gonna make it NC-17 or keep it R. If I make it NC-17, I must warn you... it'snot my strongest point & probably 1 more chapter will be added.

Thanks to:

RuthieGates <--- x2
strawberry bubble

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