Sequel: We Let Go
Status: finished; sequel is "We Let Go".

Wasting My Time Dreaming

So Hold On, Before It's Too Late


Rian's hand was still in mine, as he led me to the harbor on Thames Street, only a few minutes walk from the club. It was dark, and Rian helped me up onto the stone wall against the water. I smiled, and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He smiled too.

“Sydney, I swear to God, I'm gonna tell you everything.”

“Okay,” I whisper, determined to make this, this right here, the perfect moment.

“I love you.” I tried not to feel shocked. “That's all there is to it. Everything about you, every single thing about you, I love. I don't just love it, I'm in love with it.” I smiled, leaning my face closer to his.

“Rian, I'm in love with you. Every single cell in you.” I smiled, hugging him tightly. He frowned.

“That's it? A hug?” He whimpered, and I smiled, taking his cheek in my hand, and pulling his face to mine. I pressed our lips against each other's, feeling the sparks I'd been waiting my entire life to feel. He moved with me, deepening the kiss into something even more beautiful, if that was possible. No matter how cliché it sounds, it's true: his lips fit perfectly with mine, and our bodies fit together. He pulled away, his fingers running down my jawbone. “Was that my perfect moment?” He whispered, his lips still dangerously close to mine.

“No.” He looked shocked. “Tonight is our perfect moment,” I whispered, and he closed the gap between our faces, my overly high heels falling off my feet and falling to the stoned ground of Thames Street. But I barely noticed. All I noticed was Rian, and everything about him. Rian smelled like cologne, his shirt rough beneath my fingertips. His jeans were rough against my feet too, but I barely noticed that too. All I really noticed was his lips against mine. He pulled away again, pressing his forehead to mine.

“I've been waiting forever for this,” He whispered.

“Well, better late than never,” I whispered back, smiling as the darkness of Thames Street set in even further.

“No, this is not too late. This is right on time.” He smiled. “But before it is too late...” Rian pressed his lips into mine in a quick but passionate kiss, and I interlocked our fingers. I knew we weren't actually going out, but I liked his fingers in mine. He smiled, and kissed each of my fingers. It was perfect, amazing.

“DID YOU TWO FINALLY KISS?” Alex screamed, and we both turned, seeing the boys walking down Thames Street under the street lamps, their figures illuminated under the toxic glow. We both smiled, and Rian pulled me closer.

“We did.”

“Let's see it, then,” Jack said, and Rian began to protest.

“Jack, it doesn't work-” I cut him off, pressing my lips to his. This time, however, Rian's tongue licked my bottom lip, and I let him in, deciding I had nothing left to lose. His tongue moved in sync with mine, and we both pulled away, trying really hard not to pant. The boys were grinning.

“I'm surprised that hasn't happened before,” Alex said, grinning stupidly. Rian helped me down from the rock ledge, handing me my shoes. Zack wrapped his arms around me in a quick hug, making sure Rian wasn't looking.

“You finally got your fairytale ending, didn't you?” Zack said, and I felt a sudden lurch of my stomach. The boys's show was tomorrow. Then they were leaving again.

“No. I got my fairytale kiss. The ending is still far off. I'm still single, and you guys are still going on tour.” I stooped to put my shoes back on, brushing my hair from my eyes as I did so. I was not going to cry. Not tonight. Zack lifted my chin up.

“He loves you, Sydney.”

“And I love him. But sometimes, that isn't enough.” I took a deep breath, as Rian came back, wrapping his arm around my waist. Even though this is exactly what I always wanted, I couldn't help but feel like it was wrong. Like it didn't matter how close we were now, that we were going to be ripped apart in the end.

Isn't that how is always is? Yes, of course it is. Because, by human nature, we never get a fairytale ending. That's why it's called a fairytale. And I figured I was going to get my heart ripped out, again.

I was right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, the kiss you all were waiting for. BUT. remember the summary? "It's never that easy". Keep that in mind. Now, question, predictions on what happens next? Now, no hating no me for this, but i want five answers to my question before i update next :]

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