Status: Hiatus

I Feel Our Memories Fade With Time.


*~Mikey’s POV~*

I was going through old home movies and stuff. A lot of them had Lisa on them. I remember the first day she walked through the door to our house. We all ran to the foyer when Frank called for us. That was when I first laid eyes on her. She stood behind Frank, looking very nervous. She spoke so quietly at first. I remembered showing her to her room, telling her if it was either a coincidence, or fate that brought her here. Either way, if she wasn’t Frank’s sister, we would’ve never left.

“But then, she’d still be alive,” I said to myself.

I picked through the videos and found one that piqued my curiosity. I read the label on it. ‘Singing and dancing all alone.’ I put it in the VCR hoping it would still work. It did, and I clicked play. I instantly remembered recording it. It was during her pregnancy with Tyler. She was about three months along. She was in our bedroom folding laundry, and I stood at the door recording, not to her knowledge though. She was folding clothes while singing “Desert Song.”

“She said she couldn’t sing,” I said on film. “She’s a liar.” I chuckled. “A sexy liar. I must punish her later.”

I laughed at myself saying that. Then ‘Headfirst For Halos’ came on, and she started playing air-guitar. She was bouncing around playing air-guitar, and singing. I knew I was putting that clip in the new DVD. Then she fell on the floor like Frank used to do. In the video, I started to laugh, then she looked towards the door and saw me.

“You ass,” she said. “How much of that did you see?”

“Since you were singing ‘Desert Song.’” I said.

She ran up and the camera went dark, with some rustling. Then she held the camera on me.

“You know why I love you?” she asked.

“No, why?” I snatched the camera back and held it on her.

“You’re charming, sweet, hot, funny, and you know how to treat a girl.”

“Yeah I do, that’s why you’re three months pregnant with our baby.”

“Yep. When can we do that again?”

“Soon.” I said, pushing her down on the bed.

The camera showed both of us. We laid and talked amongst ourselves to the camera. Then we started getting kissy, and then the camera turned off.

I ejected the tape and put in another. I instantly rejected that one and put it next to me. I had forgotten that I recorded the conceiving of Tyler. I grabbed a marker, and wrote on the label. ‘For Mikey Way’s eyes only! Other viewers will be prosecuted.’ I grabbed the safe and put it in there. I didn’t want someone to accidentally see it.

That’s what I was doing for most of the day, watching old videos. I heard Kyle and Tyler messing around in Tyler’s room. Later on, I went and got them something to eat.

“Dad, what are you doing up there?”

“Nothing. I’m watching old movies.”

“Can we watch?”

I shrugged. “I guess.”

We finished eating and they followed me upstairs. I popped in another video. It was at one of our concerts that she was recording. Well, she was recording herself more.

“The boys are doing a show, and I’m gonna sit here and talk…”

“Who’s that?” Kyle asked.

“My mom,” Tyler said.

“Oh. She’s pretty.”

“Thank you, Kyle. I always liked you,” I said, and we continued to watch.

“…that’s my boyfriend, Mikey, playing bass. He says he sucks, but he doesn’t. I seriously can’t wait to make this guy my husband. I wish sometime he would ask me. We’ve been together for over a year, through thick and thin. Oh how I love this man. I can’t wait to have his kids. And now I sound like a teeny bopper, so we’re gonna go back to the show, because Mikey’s staring at me. Bye.”

I was on the verge of tears. It just made me miss her so much. Hearing her voice again.

“Dad? Can we go visit her later?”

“Yeah we can.”

“I should go,” Kyle said.

“No, you don’t have to go, it’s only one-thirty. You kids go play.”

They ran off, and I went through some more videos. There was one I recorded while she was sleeping. I listened to myself talking.

“She’s asleep, that’s why I’m whispering. Umm, it’s the day after our super fun evening. Umm, she doesn’t know this, but soon, I’m gonna ask her to marry me. I’m hoping soon that she’ll have my baby. I hope we have a boy. I’m gonna teach him how to play bass, and she’s gonna teach him how to be the best person ever. He would easily take after her. Just look at her sleep. She’s so perfect. I’m so happy she is in my life. I will love this girl forever, with my entire heart and soul.”

“I love you too,” she whispered.

“How much did you hear?”

“I’m perfect, and you’re happy I’m in your life. Come here.”

The camera turned off. I ejected the tape, and picked out a few that I wanted to use clips from. I set them aside.

“Oh, Lisa, how I miss you. I will patiently wait for the day that I join you up in heaven,” I said out the window to the sky.

I cleaned up the tapes and went to find Tyler and Kyle.