Status: Complete

Found a Place for Me to Rest My Head

Took a Piece of You Inside of Me

"You're so fucking stupid!" I scream.

"Ha! I'm the stupid one? Alright." Zacky rolls his eyes. "You're so fucking inconsiderate of other people."

"Really, Zacky? Really? You're calling me inconsiderate? I'm not the one who singles you out every time something goes wrong!" I yell. "You blame me for shit I couldn't possibly do."

Zacky scoffs and crosses his arms. "Those beers that were mine that mysteriously were gone when you were the only one on the bus?"

"Oh my god!" I shout. "You're still hung up on that? How fucking old are you? I'm sure if I bought beer you would steal some, too! It's just beer, Zack. Get the fuck over it, grow a pair of balls, and jump off a fucking cliff while you're at it." I slam the door and walk out.

"Daaaaamn, bro!" Matt laughs and pushes Zacky. "She used to haaate you."

I laugh and feel a sense of relief when Johnny stops the tape. "Why did you guys record us fighting?" I ask them as I sip my drink.

"It's fucking hilarious!" Brian laughs. "We recorded a shit ton more."

"I don't want to see them." Zacky laughs. "It's probably me getting my shit handed to me."

"You are a pretty awful fighter," I tease.

Zacky rolls his eyes. "Please. I'm awesome at it."

"Right." I laugh and shake my head. "What time is it, by the way?"

"Four. People should be getting here soon." Zacky gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen to get the food ready.

"What do you need help with?" I ask him as I dip my finger in the pudding and licking it off. Damn, I make some awesome chocolate/vanilla pudding.

Zacky shrugs as he tries to carry too much. "I got this."

"No, you don't." I laugh and take the veggie tray from his hand. "You're trying to do too much."

He sighs as we walk out to his backyard. "I know. I'm just really nervous."

"Why?" I ask confused and bite into a carrot, sitting in a lounge chair by the pool.

Zacky sits next to me and I play with his hair. He takes a deep breath and looks at the water. "I guess cause it's the first time I'll be around my family in months. They've never seen my house, they don't know what's been going on with my life. And my sister just got engaged. I'm meeting the guy for the first time."

"Zacky," I laugh and turn his chin to face me, "you're thinking way too much."

"Really?" He ask sheepishly.

"Really." I laugh. "It's just a barbecue with your friends and family. Your parents will love your house, and your sister probably has good taste, so I'm sure the guy is fine."

He smiles and kisses me softly. "Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Mmm. You've proved it though." I smirk and kiss him back, squeezing his thigh.

We finish getting everything outside and his parents finally arrive. They end up loving the place and loving how green the backyard is. His brother, Matt, gets in the pool right away along with Zacky's sister and her fiance.

"Told you." I smirk and smack his butt as I walk past him to grab a drink.

Zacky just laughs and shakes his head at me. I open a diet coke and look around at everyone at the party. It's so nice to see everyone again. The weather is perfect and the food is delicious. Zacky can cook. Shocking, right?

After a while everyone arrives. I strip down to my bathing suit and get in the pool with Zacky and a few of the guys. "You look sexy," Zacky tells me as he swims to me.

"Wish I could say the same," I joke.

Zacky laughs and kisses me. "You're such a bitch."

"I know." I smirk triumphantly and kiss him back. I sip my beer and look at everyone enjoying themselves. Zacky's little cousins are jumping in the pool playing marco polo, swimming on the rafts, and spilling their drinks everywhere. Matt, Val, and Jimmy are sitting at the table having some beers, Johnny is being tackled by little kids his height, Brian and Michelle are talking to Zina and her fiance, and Zacky and I are relaxing in the pool.

It's perfect.

"Audrey," a little girl asks as she swims over to me. "Will you play marco polo with us? We don't have enough people."

"Thanks for asking me, Alaina," Zacky jokes and ruffles her hair.

"We don't like boys. Sorry uncle Zacky." She swims off as fast as she can with her floaties and joins her friends.

I laugh and kiss his cheek. "She's got a point." I set down my drink then swim off to join her. "One, two, three, not it!" I laugh and put my finger to my nose.

The last girl takes a deep breath and goes under water as we all spread out. I laugh along with the girls and whisper to them where to go. "Marco!" she yells with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Polo!" We all shout and swim away when she comes near us.

We play about four games in a row. I've been Marco three times of the four for the kids sake. As I lift one of the girls up and spin her around, I look on the deck and see Zacky talking to a girl I didn't recognize. Thinking it was nothing I look back at the girls and give a little boy a piggy back ride.

I look back at Zacky and see the girl put her hand on his arm, obviously flirting. I raise an eyebrow but try to let it go. It's probably nothing. I'm not a jealous person... I don't think.

"Okay guys, I'm worn out." I laugh and walk to the ladder.

"Awh," the all pout. "Will you play wif us after dinner?" A little boy asks.

"Yes." I smile. I climb out, grab my towel and dry off a little before walking over to the table to grab something to eat. I glance over at him and see the girl getting awfully close to him. It's making me uncomfortable. Not because she is flirting, I obviously know Zacky won't give in, but because I don't know her. Not to sound rude or anything, but Zacky doesn't have any friends that I don't know. When you spend months at a time on the road with five guys you learn who their friends are.

Deciding I should sort of warn the girl, I walk over to Zacky. "Hey babe," I say with a smile and kiss his cheek.

"Hey," he says, "Audrey, this is Hanna. Hanna, this is Audrey."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smile at her but she gives me a half smile.

"It was nice talking to you. We should hang out again, soon." She smirks at Zacky. "Call me."

"Call me," I mock her when she leaves.

"Whoa." Zacky laughs and looks at me.


"What was that for? She's just a friend."

"Who is she, anyways?" I bite into my veggie burger.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Someone my sister knew a while ago. She and I used to date but we've been done for years." I nod and look down at my food, wondering why I am getting jealous. I'm with Zacky, not her. But what if we have the same ending...

"Did you love her?" I ask quietly, almost afraid of his response.

"She was my first love, yeah." He nods. "But Audrey, I know what you're getting at. I know girls can be bitches. Trust me." He winks at me. "Hanna and I have been friends for a while. This is the first time I've seen her in a year or so. She's not trying to get back with me if that's what you're thinking."

"Okay." I smile, trying to make him happy. I didn't want any drama either.

"I love you." He kisses me.

"I love you, too." I smile and kiss him back.

Despite what she says.. Should I worry about her? I mean, he is a fucking hott rockstar... What girl wouldn't want to be with him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo! I'm up to nine stars! I've jumped four stars in two days! Thank you guys so much!
Over two hundred readers and forty-five comments (: You guys are awesome.

Anyways, I'd love to hear some ideas from you guys. This story is based off an idea of a reader, Zackylicious (: We talked about our ideas and this is the result!
So comment on the story and tell me what you see happening! ( I don't want anything cliche or typical, ya know? Something people won't expect)

Get me past fifty comments, please! (: