Status: Complete

Found a Place for Me to Rest My Head

Here On the Highway

"Are you okay?" Jimmy asks the following morning as I walk into the kitchen looking like hell.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie and sit down at the table.

"I heard you talking on the phone last night. Did you call him?" He asks as he hands me some food and orange juice with some advil for my headache.

I nod and look down at the eggs and poke them with my fork. "He didn't say anything when I asked if he loved me."

Jimmy sighs and sits down next to me. "Audrey. Look at me." He puts his hand on my back and I turn to him feeling tears form in my eyes. "You're going through a rough time with Zacky. You're making some a fact from a girl who spends her life stripping. Hanna wants Zacky back and she will do anything to get him. You can't believe anything she says. You and Zacky are perfect for each other. When you guys fight it makes you stronger. Even when you hated each other a year or two ago it was obvious that you cared about each other. Don't let some slut ruin that for you. You're a great girl and Zack is a great guy. You both deserve each other. You just need to get over this bump." He rubs my back.

I sigh and smile at him. "Thanks, Jimmy. I really don't know what I would do without you."

He laughs. "You should go over there tonight and talk to him."

Thinking about seeing Zacky after a week of fighting makes my insides go numb. I have no idea what to say or how to say it. But Jimmy is right. I need to talk to him to get us over this bump.

Later that night I drive over to Zacky's house and see another car in the driveway. Not recognizing the car, I take my keys from the ignition, climb out of my car slowly, and walk to the front door. I hear voices inside and I press my ear to the door.

"Zacky, come on!" A girl laughs.

I'm frozen. My legs won't seem to move, my heart won't stop pounding against my ribs, and the world around me won't stop spinning.

Hanna is in Zacky's house.

After a minute or two I finally regain all feeling in my body. My legs carry me back to my car as quickly as possible and I speed away, not caring how much sound I made by the tires squealing against the pavement. I need to fucking let this all go. Somehow.

I end up at a bar on Pacific Coast Highway. I'm downing beers and whiskey right and left, not caring about how I am going to get back to Jimmy's. Fuck, I can stay here for all I care. After hearing Hanna's voice come from Zacky's house nothing fucking matters anymore.

"Why would he invite her over when he knows she is the one who split us up?" I ask the guy sitting next to me.

He shrugs. "Maybe he's cheating."

"She's a fucking slut." I try to order another shot but the bartender says I'm too wasted and need to call a cab home. "Home? I have no fucking home. Wanna know what happened? My so called 'boyfriend' is with another girl, who is a slut by the way."

"Save your story for someone else, kid. Get a cab and go home." He hands me a five and points to the door.

"Rude," I say as I slip off the bar stool and make my way to the door.

Before I can open it someone else walks in. None other than Zacky mother fucking Baker himself. Even though I'm fucking trashed I can feel my emotions burn against my skin.

"Audrey, where the fuck have you been?"

"Hey! This is the guy I was talking about!" I say to the guy I sat next to at the bar. "This is the asshole who's cheating," I slur.

"What? Audrey, come on." Zacky grabs my hand and pulls me outside.

"Let me go, Zacky!" I push him away and lean against the building.

Zacky turns to me. "Why the fuck did you come to the house? Why didn't you just come in? I saw your car outside."

"I would have come in but it looks like someone else was already in there! A girl by the name of Hanna!" I spit and grab a cigarette from my pocket.

Zacky takes it and throws it across the street. "Hanna was over because I bitched at her for telling you we were just fuck buddies."

I scoff. "You really expect me to believe that?" I try to walk off but Zacky grabs my hand. "Let me go!"

"Come on. Lets just fucking go home."

"Is Hanna there?" I roll my eyes.

"No! Now come on!" He grabs my hand a little forcefully and pulls me over to his car parked on the street. I get inside and he does as well. He starts up the car and speeds off, leaving smoke from the tires. "Why are you at this fucking bar getting shit faced, Audrey? Why didn't you just go back to Jimmy's?"

"Because I didn't fucking want to! Sorry I'm not doing everything you want me to!"

He hits the steering wheel and makes a sharp turn. "I was worried about you, Audrey! You could have been killed! You're not being yourself lately!"

"Because the guy I thought I was in love with doesn't love me back!"

"Audrey! Fucking listen to me!" Zacky shouts and looks at me. As he opens his mouth to say another word a car slams into the side of the car, causing us to spin out of control and slam into a telephone pole. Before I could scream I was knocked out by my head hitting the dashboard.
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Comments, please! (:
Thank you Zackylicious for the idea! Thank you all for commenting, as well! Keep sending ideas and I might use them!

Ten stars within a week of writing. Thank you!!