Status: Complete

Found a Place for Me to Rest My Head

How This World Can Overcome a Man

Day 56.

The last day of the tour.

The last day I will have to see Zacky until the next tour.

"It feels so good to be home." I sigh and collapse on my bed.

Matt laughs and tosses my duffle bag onto my bed. "I'm going to head home. Val and I are going out tonight."

I jump up and smile at him. "Are you going to propose tonight?!" I ask excitedly.

"I think so." He smiles.

I hug him tightly with a huge smile. "I'm so excited!"

Matt and Val have been together since eighth grade. She and I are pretty much best friends since we both stayed at Matt's house during high school. They are so perfect together and it's about freaking time they get married.

"Me, too." He smiles. "Well I'll let ya know what happens." He ruffles my hair and I push it away with a grimace.

I hear the front door close and I sigh, just wanting to get some sleep. I lay back down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling, reflecting on everything that happened during the tour.

Jimmy and I running around in the rain during every storm drunk out of our minds, Matt and I fighting over what video games to play, Brian and I sitting outside the bus smoking more cigarettes than anyone could count, Johnny and I watching old horror movies...

And my heart stopped.

Thinking about all of the fights Zacky and I had just made my insides churn and my heart stutter. Why am I feeling this way?

There's a loud thud on my front door which causes me to almost have a heart attack. I rub my eyes and check the time, realizing I had fallen asleep. I climb out of my bed and walk down the steps wondering who it is. I have no family here, or friends for that matter. Who the hell is it?

I open the door and feel my eyes widen.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I need a place to stay," he replies.

I look down at his feet and see the bags he packed from the tour. "And?" I ask bewildered.

He looks down at his bags and back at me, glancing at my house.

"No. No fucking way! Stay at Brian's!"

"He lives with Michelle and she has a few friends living with her, too!" He says.


"He's with Lacey."


"I don't even know where the fucker lives."

"Go to Matt's house! His place is huge!"

"Trust me, I fucking tried. I knocked on the door and he said there's no way in hell. He and Val just got engaged and they don't want any visitors."

I grimace, knowing why. "There has to be someone else who will take you."

"I'm not thrilled about this either. Trust me, this is the last place I'd want to stay."

"Why can't you stay at your house, anyways?" I roll my eyes.

"It flooded when we had that really bad storm a while ago. Everything needs to be rebuilt."

"How long will that take?!"

"Can I just come in?"

I sigh and open the door a little wider for him. "I can't believe I'm doing this," I groan and run my hands down my face, closing the door behind him.

"Me either," Zacky mutters.

Awesome. It's the first night I am home and I have a guest who is not welcomed.

♠ ♠ ♠
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