Status: Complete

Found a Place for Me to Rest My Head

The Ones Who Walk Beside Me

"Put me down!" I laugh and punch Jimmy's back as he carries me towards the pool.

"Do it! Do it!" Matt and Johnny cheer.

"I swear to god you better not-" Before I can finish my sentence he throws me into the pool. I push off the bottom and swim back to the top. "You're dead." I pull myself out of the pool and chase Jimmy down. I jump on his back laughing and he spins me around. "You suck!" I chuckle and get back on my feet.

He smiles. "I know." Jimmy wraps his arm around my shoulders and walks over to the table where all of the guys are sitting.

I take a bite of the veggie burger and grimace. "This tastes funny," I say setting it back down. "How long did you cook it, Zacky?" I ask him.

"As long as I normally do. Let me try it." He walks over and takes a bite. "Tastes fine. You're weird." Zacky laughs and sits next to me with his food.

Not only does my veggie burger taste weird, my salad, and the dessert I made for the party tastes off. Thinking I was just getting sick I blow it off and hang out with the guys. "I'm having a huge halloween bash at my house halloween night," Matt says as he walks out to his car.

"Awesome. What do you want us to bring?" Zacky asks.

Matt shrugs. "Booze."

I smirk. "You got it!" We hug and say good-bye to everyone then head back inside. "God, I'm exhausted." I lay down on the bed after taking off my shoes.

"Really?" Zacky laughs and strips to his boxers and lays next to me. "You were exhausted last night, too. We didn't even do anything." He chuckles.

"I know." I laugh. "I don't know what has gotten into me." I shrug and curl up underneath the blankets and cuddle up to Zacky.

Zacky kisses my forehead. "I'm pretty excited about Matt's party. It should be fun." He smiles and rubs my back. "What should we be?"

"Hmmm. I saw a cute costume for Minnie Mouse." I smile and look up at him.

He laughs. "That would be cute. I could go as Walt Disney."

I laugh and nod. "Sounds like a plan to me." I smile and kiss his warm chest and run my hands up and down his side. "Your scars are all gone," I whisper.

Zacky smiles. "I know. Yours are almost gone, too." He runs his finger tips over the faint scar on my forehead. He kisses it softly and pulls me as close to him as possible. "I love being with you," he whispers against my skin.

I'm glad I'm buried in his chest. If he saw me he would laugh at how red my face is. I smile and kiss his chest softly. "I love being with you, too."

He smiles. "It's so weird how we hated each other and now we're living together."

I laugh. "I know. But I'm glad. You aren't such a dick after all."

"Yeah, well, you're still a bitch." Zacky smirks.

"Fuck you!" I laugh and punch him in his chest.

Zacky just laughs and pulls me back to him. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I grin.

The next morning I wake up feeling sick to my stomach. Something I ate last night must have messed with me. I throw back the covers and run into the bathroom. I bend over the toilet and end up puking. After about five minutes of this I wash my face, brush my teeth, and head back into the bedroom. Zacky is sitting up pulling on a t-shirt. "Were you throwing up?" He asks rubbing his eyes.

"Whatever was in that thing Matt made didn't sit well with me." I groan.

Zacky pulls me down into his lap and he kisses my cheek. "Want me to go out and get you something?"

"I'll be fine." I smile and stroke his cheek.

He kisses my forehead and rubs my back. "How about I make you something to eat? Some toast with pumpkin butter?"

"Mmm. You know the way to my heart." I laugh. "I'm going to shower real quick, though."

"Okay." He smirks and smacks my ass as I walk to the bathroom.

I laugh and look in the mirror after closing the door and starting the shower. I look a little pale and sick. I should probably go to the doctor or something. Ugh. I hope I don't have to get any shots...

After my shower I head downstairs and see a plate of toast on the counter with orange juice, a little bowl of cut up fruit, and medicine for my stomach. Smiling I sit down and start eating. "Babe, where are you?" I ask as I sip my orange juice.

"I just ordered our costumes." He walks out with a picture of his costume and the Minnie Mouse one I wanted. "They'll be here tomorrow."

I smile. "You're amazing."

He kisses my shoulder. "Feeling any better?"

"A little." I shrug. "I think I'm going to call the doctor though. I missed my yearly check up." I laugh.

He nods. "Well I'm going to go to the studio. Come over later if you feel okay so you can hear our stuff."

"Will do." I smile.

Zacky kisses my forehead then walks out with his notebook and keys. As I play with the fruit I think about what I ate last night and try to figure out why it didn't sit well with me. I pick up the phone and call the doctor.

"Yeah, I've been nauseous since I woke up. I threw up earlier." I listen to her typing this into the computer.

"Are you lactose intolerant?"

"No. I didn't have any milk products."

"You said things didn't taste right to you?"

"Right." I nod and look down at the toast.

"Are you pregnant?"

♠ ♠ ♠
Don't worry guys. Your worst fear about the last chapter will not happen. I have it all planned out so there won't be an ending as such. I would never put anyone through that.

Comments, comments, comments (: Get me past 90!

P.S. Will you guys stick around for my new story I'm going to put out after this one is done? It's another Zacky story. (: