Status: Complete

Found a Place for Me to Rest My Head

I Hope You'll Find Your Own Way

Around two o'clock I leave the house and drive to the studio where the guys are laying down some tracks for their new album. Zacky is so excited about recording. Every night he is up writing and playing his guitar. It's cute how happy he is when he has a guitar in his hands. It's cute when Matt gets the lyrics wrong and Brian yells at him from the couch, when Jimmy runs around the studio incorporating his name into songs, and Johnny throwing things at Matt while he sings.

Today wasn't going to be an ordinary day, though. I have to tell Zacky that I might be pregnant... I wonder how he will react...

"Hey guys." I smile as I walk into the studio. When I see Zacky playing his guitar on the couch I feel my heart jump a bit. This wasn't going to be easy.

"You have to hear this!" Matt shouts as he walks to the sound board and fishes through the computer to play back a song.

I laugh sitting next to Zacky and put my feet up on the table. Matt starts playing the vocals to a song with an unknown title and I flip out. "That sounds amazing!" I smile. "I love it so much."

He smiles proudly and sits in a chair across from me. "You look worried." He laughs and sips his water.

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. "I'm good." I smile. I know I'm going to chicken out.

Zacky puts his hand on my thigh. "Are you feeling better, babe?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Whatever the fuck you made last night, Matt, killed my stomach." I laugh and throw a pillow at him trying not to look suspicious.

He throws it back at me. "Val made it! Not me!" He chuckles.

After we mess around and listen to clips of other songs, Zacky and I head out to grab something to eat. I slips his hand in my back jeans pocket and gives my butt a squeeze with a smirk on his face. "What has gotten into you?" I laugh and slide my hand into his back pocket as well.

Zacky smirks. "Nothing."

"Oh really?" I laugh and roll my eyes as we walk into a little cafe.

"Can't help it that my girlfriend is super hott." Zacky laughs and sits down at a booth.

I sit next to him and smile. "Well I can say the same about you." I lean over and kiss him, running my hand up his thigh teasingly.

"I hate you so much right now," Zacky almost moans against my lips.

I smirk and look at the menu. "No you don't."

The waitress brings us drinks and shortly after our sandwiches. "How about we stay in tonight and I'll cook dinner?" Zacky proposes after he wipes the mayo off his chin.

I laugh and look at him. "What's the occasion?"

"Just want to do something nice." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

I smile. "Well that sounds nice."

Too bad as soon as we got home we hit the shower. He pins me against the tile and starts biting my collar bone, pressing his body against mine. I grab a handful of his hair and suppress a moan as the warm water runs down our bodies. Zacky smirks against my warm skin and kisses his way back to my lips. I deepen the kiss roughly and dig my nails into the back of his neck as he presses his hips into mine.

God damn I can't take how amazing he is at this.

Zacky turns off the water and lays down with me in the tub. I roll over so I'm laying on him and smile. "How is it that we never get sick of each other?" I laugh as I kiss down his chest.

He lets out a tiny moan and closes his eyes with a smile. "Cause we both know what we'd be missing."

I kiss down to his stomach and look up at him with a smile. He pulls me up to his lips with my chin and kisses me softly. Not a rough, demanding, or sexual kiss. A kiss that has so much passion behind it that it gives me goosebumps.

"Zacky," I whisper against his lips.

"Hm?" He asks as he kisses me again.

"I might be pregnant," I say almost inaudibly.

He pulls away from the kiss and looks at me. I can hear him gulp and can feel his heart pounding against his ribs. He looks absolutely petrified.
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(: Some cute stuff. COMMENT! :)

How do you make things italics in the story? The BB codes only work on profiles :/ Help!

p.s. I think you guys will really like my new zv story if you liked the ending of this.. ;)