Status: Active!

Burning Fantasies

"And that's why I think she needs to just die."

This time in my dream, I was in Zoey's apartment. But it wasn't the same, not at all. None of her girly furniture was in it's place. In fact, it was no where to be seen. The place was empty, all except for Justin's bed in its original spot to my left. There were two lumps underneath the black comforter, yet no movement. Deciding that it was pretty much the only thing to do, I slowly walked over to the bed to take a peek.

I stood at the foot of the bed in shock. Two heads were visible at the opposite end, both with expressions of total pain. I wasn't even afraid if one of them woke up and saw me staring with my jaw practically on the floor. I would have expected the two to be complete strangers before I expected it to be who it really was. The two looked to be sleeping quite close to each other, even if they looked like someone just stabbed them in the gut. I walked to right side of the bed and stared down at one of the sleeping figures.

From what I could see in the total darkness, my hair was a mess and somewhat longer. I had red lipstick smeared all over the bottom half of my face, and dried mascara tears ran down my cheeks. If I looked closely enough, and trust me I did, I could see a faint bruise on my right cheek bone, and what looked like a hand print right below it. I managed to swallow the lump in my throat as the worst ran through my head.

Is this because of Matt? What even is
this? Why was a crying? Who gave me the bruise? Why am I so close to Justin? Is this because of Justin?

I swallowed another lump and hovered over the sleeping pair with a glare on my face. Finding confidence and an attitude that said I-don't-give-a-fuck, I pulled the comforter down off of their bodies and found both half naked, with the only clothes left on being underwear. And even though it upset me, it wasn't the worst part. The worse part was the multiple bruises that ran down the legs, arms, and torso. Finger prints from squeezing to hard were right below my shoulders, with the same finger prints on the tops of my thighs.

Small and large blotches were on my stomach and calves, and I was too afraid to try and turn my body over and look at my back. Just as quickly as I became afraid, I became angry. No, furious. Why the hell would all of these bruises be on me? Why was I almost naked? What had I done?

Questions upon questions ran through my head as I backed away from the bed, leaving the comforter where it was. I was only about fifteen feet away when one of the bodies, which wasn't mine, finally decided to move. Justin readjusted his body and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my body into his. Then, he leaned his head down to kiss my neck softly. I gasped loudly, thought it seemed he didn't hear. I continued backing up until I hit a wall, and just watched as the two slept with the same pained looks on their faces, and suddenly I started realizing maybe why those looks were there.

I woke up sweating again, but I wasn't screaming. Zoey was standing above me with a smile on her face, and ice in her hand.

"Well hello there, Sleeping Beauty. I was just about to wake you." She said, grinning widely. She sat down on the low bed next to me and held the ice out to me. "Alright, put this on your wrist and get up carefully. I guess you can where that.. I mean, it's only a hospital.. But you may wanna change, I mean doctors are gonna be there. Hot doctors with-"

I cut her off with a loud laugh. "Cool it, Zoe. I think I'll be in too much pain to pay attention to many doctors." I told her, standing up slowly. She did as well and smirked at me. "Oh really? Is it that, or are you paying too much attention to my brother?"

"Sshh!" I made the noise quickly and loudly as I looked around the wide open room. Zoey rolled her eyes and walked towards the living room area.

"Don't worry, he isn't here." She told me. I sighed and walked with her, wincing each time I took a step and my wrist moved. I slipped on my shoes, the ones that I had no idea how they had come off of my feet, and gave her a stern look.

"I really wish you would stop that.."

"Stop what? I think you two would be so adorable together and.." Her voice trailed out of my mind as I thought back to the dream I had just had. Was it a sign? No, no it couldn't be. I had known this guy for less than a week, that would never even happen anyways. It was just a stupid dream. Just a stupid little dream that will never come true.


"And that's why I think she needs to just die. So let's go the hospital now, yes?" Was what I heard her say when I came back to reality. I blinked a few times and nodded my head, pressing the ice onto my wrist more.

"You know, that cast isn't going to match any of my clothes! Guess we'll just have to buy you some more. I hope they give you a choice of color, and that one of the colors is like, lime green. We could make that work." She rambled.

We both walked out of the door, with me behind her. Before I closed the door, I took one more look back at the huge black bed that I promised I would never touch again, then slammed the door shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that I haven't updated this bitch in forever.
I'm lazy. Sigh.
Comment and stuff.
Also sorry for the shortness, lol.

*take a bow;;