Dream Until The Dream Come True


“You’re fired Angela” The harsh voice of my boss passed through my ears making me feel pretty bad.

“What?! But why? It was just a mistake sir! It won’t happen again, I promise!” I begged, I can’t get fired right now; this isn’t the best moment for a non-paid month.

“Sorry Angela, but I can’t handle that kind of mistake; you almost break the whole guitar section”

Okay, now he was exaggerating, I just crash into some guitars…like 5 or 6, but it wasn’t the whole section!
Yeah Angela, try to convince yourself.

I released a sigh of frustration before I opened my mouth.

“Okay sir, thanks for the opportunity” I said before going out of that office without waiting for an answer.

I changed my clothes since I had to wear a uniform to work in that guitar store, when I finished I just walked out of there, trying to escape from that bad moment, and actually trying to escape from the future that’s coming ahead now that I don’t have a job.

I went to were my car was parked and got in quickly; I really just wanted to get to my house and think.

The drive was actually quick, thing that never happen when I want to get to some place.
I think that maybe something is good today.

When my house was in front of me, I got out of my car and tried to order all those thoughts that were passing through my mind.

I entered and I saw that my mom was watching TV in the living room, laughing with some kind of soap opera, or whatever.

“Hi mom” I said to her while getting closer to her.

“Ange, what are you doing here so early?” Her weak and sweet voice asked me very slowly, trying to control her breathing.

“Bad news mom, I got fired” I said it quickly, that way it won’t be that bad, right?

“oh dear… I’m sorry, what are we gonna do?” She tried to turn around but I got closer to her and kneeled in her height.

“I’m gonna look for another job mom, don’t worry, everything’s gonna be okay, plus dad can help you for now” I tried to find an answer but the truth was that I really didn’t have any.

“He’s gonna have to work extra hours” She said in a very sad tone.

“Yeah mom, but just for a few weeks, I’m gonna find a job” I said trying to calm her, I hate to see her bad, I lover her way too much to see her like that.

She just nodded.

“Can you take me to the bathroom honey?” My mom asked me with her sweet voice.

“Of course”

I walked behind her and move the wheelchair were she had been for so many years now.
The way to the bathroom was the same like everyday; I helped her to sit on the toilet and tried to help her with everything.

The day passed extremely quick, I helped my mom with everything, cooking, cleaning, washing, all those things that I actually do everyday.
I love my mom, that’s why I think that I have to take care of her since she is so sick right now.

She has multiple sclerosis so my dad and I have to take care of her since she can hardly move.

When I finally finished all those things I sat down on my bed with my laptop on my lap.

I have to look for a work, there’s no other option for me right now.

I opened up a site hoping to find something related to my interest, music.
My eyes wondered all around that site and finally found something that sounded pretty interesting.

“Guitar tech needed, have to be 18 or more, like to travel and at least know the basic things about a guitar

567-987-475, Matt Flyzik”

Wait... travel? I can’t travel right now, I think I’ll have to think about it…

I shut down my laptop and just lay on my bed.
I have to think in something but I really don’t know what to do.
My mind was trying to concentrate in one idea but it quickly disappears since Morfeo was winning against this idea.

I quickly fell asleep with my normal clothes and without any type of blanket covering my body, I was way too tired to care about that simple stuff.

My eyes quickly opened when I felt how someone was yelling my name from downstairs.
I stood up and went downstairs in a second, when I arrived I realized that my that was the one that was yelling my name cause he needed some help carrying mom upstairs.

“Did I wake you up honey?” My dad asked me and I know that he was feeling guilty.

“No dad, don’t worry” I smiled slightly to show him that everything was okay.

He obviously believed me since that he smiled me back and told me to help him with mom.

We got mom up the stairs trying to be very careful with her but it’s was very difficult since the wheelchair was very heavy including her body.

When we finally got her to her room we put mom on her bed.

“Okay Ange, I’m gonna change her clothes, thanks again honey” My dad smiled at me sincerely.

“kay dad love you” I told him and walked to my room.

“Love you too honey”

Since I was already up when I entered to my room and sat on my bed and started my search for jobs again.
It was 11:00 pm.

I opened my notebook and the first site that popped up was the one with the guitar tech job.

I read and re-read that job offer and think in the pros and cons.

Pros: Is my dream job, is a band so it must be a well paid job and... Dude it’s a band! It might be a blast!
Cons: My mom, travel, my mom, taking care of my mom, my mom.

I have to talk this with my parents, they have to know this and I really need their advice, I’m gonna talk with them tomorrow I want it or not.

I put on my pajamas, turn my notebook off and lay on my bed this time under the blankets.
A long night is approaching me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another story!
I hope this goes good.
Sorry if there is any mistakes! English is not my born lenguage so I do my best (:

Comments and suscribers make me happy <3!