Dream Until The Dream Come True


“What do you want to eat for breakfast mom?”

I was in the kitchen cooking, since I was unemployed my dad had to go early to his work so he’ll do some extra hours and now I was in charge of my mom.

“Some tea and a toast please honey” She told me from the living room where she was watching some tv like always.

I started cooking some pancakes for me and the toast my mom asked me, and then I made two teas, one for me and another for her.
When everything was ready I went to the living room and we ate our breakfast there.

“At what time dad’s gonna come home?” I asked while I was eating my pancakes.

“He always come home to have lunch, so I think that today is not gonna be an exception”

“Oh… okay” That’s the perfect time to talk with them about this job offer I found.

We continued eating in silence while we both were watching this weird TV show that I really didn’t get at all, when we finished I took the plates and went to the kitchen so I’ll wash them.

The time passed really fast between take a shower, cleaning, shower my mom, etc.
I really didn’t notice what time it was when I felt how the front door had been opened, my dad had just arrived home to eat lunch here.

“Hey guys” He said when he walked into the house.

“Hi dad, take a seat I’ll go downstairs to cook the lunch in just seconds” I was upstairs cleaning the bathrooms.

“Don’t worry Ange, I’ll cook”

“You sure?” I stopped cleaning to hear loud and clear his response.

“Yeah, don’t worry, I used to cooked everyday when you were working” He was now in the kitchen, the sound of the pots were obvious.

I continued with all the cleaning I had to do.
Bathroom ready, time for the rooms.

When I finally finished with all the rooms and bathrooms, I went downstairs and the lunch was ready, I only had to sit down and eat.

We were all eating when I decided that it was time to ask them about the work.

“Mom, dad yesterday I was looking for some job offer on the internet and I found something that I really like but I don’t know if I would be able to do it” I said pretty calmly I really want them to get every word I said.

“That you couldn’t do it? What job are you talking about honey?” My dad asked me very curious.

“Guitar tech for a band” I couldn’t help it, a big smile appeared on my face. After saying that.

“That’s awesome honey! That’s like your dream, you should go for it” This time my mom was talking in a very happy tone.

“Yeah but, it’s a band, that’s means that I will have to travel a lot” And again I was there trying to put down my own dreams.

“But honey, go there and have an interview with the guys, if they accept you we’ll talk again, okay? You really deserve to be happy” My dad was happier than I was, the same with my mom.

“Okay, I’m gonna call and ask for an interview” The smile was on my face and nothing could take it off.

When we finished lunch I run upstairs and took my phone out from my purse, I was nervous, pretty nervous but I looked for the phone and dialed it without caring about my feelings right now.

I press that green button and put the phone on my ear.
I was shaking like no tomorrow.

I was waiting for that Matt Flyzik to responded, several seconds had passed and I was about to hang up when I heard how someone spoke on the other line.


“uhh Hi, I’m Angela Stewart and I just saw a job offer on the internet, I guess you’re Matt Flyzik” I said trying to stay calm.

“Oh yeah, Hi Angela, I’m Matt actually I’m surprised that someone saw the offer so quickly, I just put that yesterday morning” He said releasing a laugh.

I was so nervous that I laugh too.

“Well Angela if you want this job I have to have an interview with you to see if you’re capable to do this work” He was pretty nice, at least that how I heard him.

“Yeah of course”

“First of all, where do you live? Cause if we aren’t in the same state we’re gonna have to have the interview via phone call”

“I’m from Maryland” I hope this guy is from Maryland too, I rather had an interview in person than via phone call.

“Oh that’s awesome, we’re from Maryland too, so I have today’s afternoon free, can you come to my office?” He sounded pretty enthusiastic.

“Yeah of course, tell me the address and time and I’ll be there” I couldn’t have a bigger smile on my lips right now.

He told me those things and we say goodbye to each other. I have to be at 5 pm in his office, I couldn’t be more happier right now.
Right now I hope they accept me.

The building were I was standing in front of was pretty tall and it really feel like it was invincible.

I walked in and all my body was shaking, I got into the elevator and went to the 5th floor a minute seem like a fucking hour.
Finally the elevator doors opened and I walked through that corridor looking for the 542 office witch I finally found after some seconds.

I knocked at the door and wait for an answer, now I was extremely nervous; my hands were shaking so badly at that moment.

Finally after seconds that seem like hours some guy with piercings and tattoos opened the door looking me up and down very quick.

He smiled at me waiting for me to say something, but my mind was way too edgy to think in any coherent word.
After some awkward seconds I realized where I was and that I really need to talk or I’ll be lost in the world of employee people.

“Oh hi, you’re Matt right? I’m Angela Stewart and I’m here for a job interview” My voice sounded pretty low and shy. My nervousness was taking control of my whole body.

“Oh yeah! Angela, come in, come in!” He told me pretty enthusiastic and with a big smile on his face.

So far he seems pretty nice, and that’s good for my nervousness at this moment.

I obeyed him and entered to that office, there where some shelves with papers and Mickey Mouse’s dolls, this guy was obsessed with Mouse or something?
In the walls there were some pictures of a band called All Time Low as it read above it.

“Sit down” He told me while he was sitting on his own chair a cross from where I had to sit, a table was separating us from each other.

“So, Angela, tell me, why do you think you’ll be able to be a guitar tech?” He was nice and a gentleman, he wasn’t harsh at all which I appreciated a lot.

“Well, I have played guitar since I was 7, I know all I have to know about how to tune a guitar, if you show me a pedal in just seconds I can get what’s going on, fix up a wire or two, glue up a broken jack, trimming, setting up a good old floyd rose, you know” I didn’t know what else I could say, but then I remembered that I had brought my curriculum, so I quickly took it off of my purse and handed it to him.

“Oh and here’s my curriculum, I almost forgot it” A nervous chuckle left my mouth after saying that.

“oh that’s awesome” He took the curriculum and started reading it while I was playing with my fingers, trying to think in anything that could take my nervousness away.

“Oh so you had work for a band and in a guitar store” He looked at me pretty interested.

“Yeah, it wasn’t a big band, but at least I learnt a lot with that and in the guitar store I was hired as a seller but I always ended up fixing the broken guitars like it says there” A little smile cross my face while I was saying that.

“This sound amazing, it’s perfect, I really don’t think we would be able to find something better, and plus we need some estrogen in our bus” He laughed after saying and I couldn’t not laugh with him.

“So that means…” Now I was really nervous.

A huge grin appeared on Matt’s face after this changing life words left his mouth.

“Welcome to the All Time Low crew” He looked at me pretty excited.

I couldn’t be happier.
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I'm really in love with this story!
Sorry for no uploading!
i want comments! please guys ):