Dream Until The Dream Come True


This was the best way back home of my life, the music was blasting out from the car stereo and I was singing like no tomorrow.

Matt told me that the tour will start in a month or so, but he wanted to present me to the other guys soon, so he said that maybe he will call me to hang out or something.

I was nervous about that, what happens if the guys don’t like me?
What happens if the guys don’t want a girl in the bus?
Holy-shit I’m gonna be the only girl in the bus!
This is gonna be an unforgettable experience.

I was in front of my house when I turned the car off and got out of it, that stupid grin that was in my face didn’t want to go away.

“I’m back everyone!” I said in an excited tone when I opened the door.

“How did everything go honey?” My mom asked, realizing my perfect mood.

“I got the job mom!” I nearly shouted while I was running to the living room where my mom was.

“I told you! Congratulations babe!” I got even happier when I saw how excited my mom was with the news.

I think that my dad heard the whole yelling and happiness cause he came down really scared.

“What’s going on in here!?” He asked really freaked out.

“I got the job dad” I said calmly this time but still very happy.

“Congrats!” He hugged me very excited. “I think we need to celebrate this!” He said out loud when he pulled away from me.

“What do you want to do dad?” Celebrate? That only means…

“We’re going out to dinner tonight!” My dad was so excited I couldn’t help but smile.

“Dad, you don’t have to, we can eat here and have the same celebration” I hate to waste money on something like that, and more when the money in my family was crucial, my mom needs meds and they are pretty expensive.

“No way, we’re going out tonight, and you pick the place!” Well, I couldn’t convince my dad.

I opened my eyes very lazily and realized that it was 10 am.
I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs, no one was awake, well after all we came back pretty late last night.

We went out to eat and stood in the restaurant till 1 A.M, which was late for all of us.

I decided to prepare breakfast for the whole family as a “thank you for last night’s food” and, of course, pancakes were my first choice.

Thirty minutes later I heard how my dad was calling my name to help him to get my mom down.

When she was already in the first floor I pushed her wheelchair to the kitchen where the breakfast was ready.

While we were eating, my brain quickly started to ramble around all the possibilities of what could happen with this new job.
All my thoughts were making me even happier than I already was, partying, playing music, traveling the country.
Come on! Could that be more perfect?
We finished the breakfast very quickly and just like that, a new day of taking care of my mom, cleaning the dishes and the house had started.

3 weeks had passed; 3 weeks were I had been talking with Matt about this tour that is approaching almost everyday. Most of the time we just talk about ourselves so we can get to know us better and we got to the point where we both were pretty good friends.
I really like that, at least when I started the tour with the guys I’ll have one close friend.

It was 2 pm, and I was cleaning my room like I do everyday after I shower my mom and myself when I heard my phone went off inside my purse.

I quickly took it off from there, read the ID and answer very excited.

“Hi Mr. F, how are you?” I asked him while I was sitting in my bed.

“Pretty good and you Ms. S?” I heard how he was laughing after saying this, sometimes it surprises how happy this boy was.

“I’m good, so what’s up?”

“Well Ange, today me and the rest of the guys are gonna throw a party at my place, and of course since the tour start in just one week, you have to be here so you’ll meet the rest of the guys” His voice sounded like he was forcing me to go, but at the same time as he if he was begging.

“Of course I’m going Matt, I was waiting to meet the guys, tell me your address and time and I’ll be there buddy” I sounded pretty confident but in my insides I was dying of nervousness, I could feel how my heart was starting to increase its race.

“Awesome, okay here’s my address”

He told me his address which was not that far from my house, he also said to me that I could arrive at 10 or so, after that we said our goodbyes and I hang up.

I looked at the clock of my room and it was 2:10, at the very time that I looked at that hour machine my heart started pounding like crazy and my nervousness wasn’t just in my insides, but also in the outside, and I don’t really know why since I have like 8 hours to get ready.
Calm the fuck down Angela Stewart.

I got closer to the stereo and turn it on, so while I continued cleaning my room all those full-of-nervousness thoughts would go away and it really worked when I realized how the stereo was blasting “It’s my Life” by Bon Jovi and I started singing and dancing all over my room.

I was cleaning everything, I wanted to do something so my mind would not ramble with the idea of the party, so my idea was to clean all the things that were dirty, and with “all the things” I mean in the whole house.
When I finally finished my cleaning I realized it was 6 o’clock.

“What? It took me 4 hours to clean?” I said to myself while I was watching the clock.

I went upstairs, took a towel and enter into the bathroom, I really needed a shower in that moment, plus, I want to look at least fine for the party.

It took me half and hour or so to be totally clean and relaxed, so now the next mission is to find the perfect outfit.
This is gonna be difficult.

Literally all my clothes were on the floor or on my bed, but at this moment my room was a real mess.
Maybe I can wear a dress? Is too elegant?
Or Maybe jeans with a shirt.

After like 20 different outfit I decided for a simple plain white shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and a simple pair of heels.
After all, is a party right?

When I finally put on my outfit it was 8:20.
I’ve serious issues with the time I took to do everything.
I just sigh and went to the bathroom to put some make-up on.

It was 10:30, and I was outside of Mat’s house, I decided to arrive half and hour later.
That’s okay, right? Is better right?
Oh come on Angela, you might look pretty psycho just staying outside of the house.

I step outside of the car and start walking to that house, my heart was pounding in my chest like no tomorrow, I was so nervous at that moment.
Each step closer I took, I could hear more clear the noise that was coming from inside, people screaming, other talking, music blasting out from the stereo and I already could smell the alcohol.

I was shaking while I rang the bell, and the waiting for someone to open the door was even worse.
After some seconds, I heard how the door was being opened and the face of Matt was there.
A wave of relief passed through my body when I saw him, at least one friend.

“Hi Ange! You finally get here, the guys are dying to meet you!” He took my hand without letting me say anything and pulled me through the whole party.

There was a lot of people there, and a huge part of them were already wasted.
After some seconds we reached the kitchen were a group of guys were talking happily and some of them were screaming actually.

“Hey guys!” Mat shouted so he could be heard. “This is Angela, our new guitar tech”
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Sorry if there's any mistake! My born lenguage isn't english so yeah haha i do my hardest (:
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