Sequel: All I Want
Status: Finished :) Comment for a sequel?

Smile Like You Don't Give A Damn About the Consequence

You, You threw it all away...

I woke up and my eyes stung and felt dry. I woke up exhausted. After last nights e vents I went to my bunk and cried. It was about ten when I climbed into my bunk, not bothering to get changed or take my contacts out. Which I'm supposed to do every night.Oh well..
I sat up cautiously not to hit my head on the top of my bunk, reliving the drama that was brought to life last night. Images flashed through my head like lightening in a dark storm; Talking to Vinny, Walking backstage after the show, asking Jack where Alex is, hearing...curious sounds coming from the dressing room, opening the door to find- I stopped myself there, as the thought was bringing tears to my eyes. I needed Sam and Hayley. Jade, Maddy, Keana Cami, Kara, Cassadee, God anyone to talk to right now. I contemplated getting dressed for the day, but I didn't want to run into a certain dirty blond, soft puppy like brown eyed person. I climbed out of my bunk only when I heard complete silence, odd for the people staying on this bus. I walked out of the bunk area, into the kitchen that was directly out of the bunks, and grabbed a water bottle from the tiny fridge. On the fridge, there was a note saying
We had to go to sound check at 9am then were going to do an interview. We'll be back at the venue by 2 at the latest. You don't have to work merch tonight, it's a small venue and Vinny can handle it, have a good day off and RELAX! :) If your out and about during the show, be back to the bus by midnight please! Sorry we weren't here when you woke up, but we didn't want to wake you up, figured you need sleep and time to think. BUT! We lovers you! Hope your doing alright (Everyone is mad at Alex poop face right now!)
MattyFly, Vinny, Jack-in-tha-box, Rian, Zack"
And then scribbled at the bottom in his recognizable chicken scratch was signed 'Lex'.

I laughed at the guy's goofiness and put the note in the pocket of the hoody I was currently wearing. I looked at the clock to see it was 11 and I decided to get ready for the day. I pulled on my favorite black skinny jeans, a white cami, and then my favorite Glamour kills shirt 'teen angst' that fit perfectly over my small frame with the flat stomach I had earned with dancing for 12 years. Which I was very glad for. I had been kinda chubby when I was ten to fourteen when I then started thinning out. I had always been extremely self conscious and still am. I was made fun of till 7th grade when I didn't put up with the bullsh!t anymore. I just finished straitening my hair while thinking this. I put my favorite black eye liner on then my favorite Grey eyeshadow that really made my blue eyes pop. I quickly grabbed some bobby pins and put my bangs mixed in with my black hair, and put them in a poof. I walked to my bunk grabbing my phone, pass (to let me in backstage and what not) some money, and my favorite black ray bands. Put my phone in my pocket, ray bands adorned my face, and with my money in my small black coach clutch (Ben bought me) and pass hung on my neck, I walked out of the bus and headed toward the venue.
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reallyshort! I have the next two chapters written but I want some comments before I put them up!!