Sequel: All I Want
Status: Finished :) Comment for a sequel?

Smile Like You Don't Give A Damn About the Consequence

I can't let myself regret, such selfishness

"I was 15, when your mother told me she was pregnant. I was excited and scared to death. Scared that I would screw something else up. But your mother, she...She was selfish to put it nicely. She didn't want you, after already having two sons. I told her I didn't care, and that I wanted you. So she kept contact with me, I went to all the appointments everything. Bought everything you would need and more. It was all kept at my house. After you were born, your mother took off. I-, I hate to tell you that, but you need to know." He took a breath and continued.

" I took care of you, My mom, your grandmother watched you while I was at school, or soccer. Mom would bring you to the games. You loved that, going to the games." He laughed

"I remember after every game I would come over to get you, and my mom would always scold me telling me to go and celebrate with my friends. But I didn't want to. I wanted to be there for your entire life. But then, after we graduated, we being Me, Patrick, Joe and Andy, Fall Out Boy got signed. The record company Decanydance told me that having you with me would ruin the bands image. I planned on having a nanny watch you while I was on stage, and then I would take care of you. But then the record company found out that I had a kid. And they asked what my plan was, and well they didn't like it. You were already 3 years old by this point. "

In case your wondering, Pete was in towards the end of his 10th grade year when I was conceived and I was born towards the beginning of his Junior year.

The record company said that I either put you up for adoption or the band wouldn't get signed."

I sat there taking all of this in. I was legitimately shocked.
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what do you thinks gonna happen next?
Sorry for the delay guys schools been CRAZY!
Plus soon I'm starting a new story! Read it if you like Hockey and the Boston Bruins.
