Siren Call

What do you mean, I'm a witch?

"How do you feel?"

"I don't feel any different... I look any different?"

"You still look like an @ss to me."

Selenity sat on the couch, absorbed in the movie as she sipped at a chocolate smoothy. 

Her mother stood in the doorway, shaking her head with her hands on her hips. "I can't believe you, Sel. I give you the choice of going skating, swimming, eating out at your favorite restaurant, or inviting some friends over to celebrate. And you choose to do a movie marathon. By yourself. With all your old movies."

As a reply, she got a toothy grin followed by a weird series of choked giggles because Selenity had inhaled her smoothy while laughing. 

Rolling her eyes, Aurora left the room, throwing, "Dinner'll be ready in a few minutes!" over her shoulder. 

Still giggling, Selenity shut the tv off and ran up to her room to put her movie up. Tackling Rory, her chihuahua. She started playfully annoying her. Seeing their friend in peril, Luna and Tater Tot pounced to the rescue, slobbering her all over Selenity. Shrieking softly to herself, Selenity didn't hear the knock at the door, nor the words exchanged between her mother and the newcomer. She did, however, hear her mother's voice calling her. 

"Selenity! We have company!" Aurora's voice was slightly strained. 

Leaving her dogs to play amongst themselves, she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen slowly. When she reached the door, she saw her mother standing there with an old man. He had long silvery hair and a silver beard, with electric blue eyes that twinkled merrily at her over half-moon spectacles. 

"Ah, Miss Castle! Such a pleasure to meet you!" The old man stepped forward and clasped her hands in a friendly greeting. "My name is Albus Dumbledore."

"Um, hi," she answered uncertainly, glancing at her mother, who stood wringing her hands guiltily. 

"Won't you please sit down, Mr. Dumbledore?" she asked, gesturing to the table. 

He beamed at her. "Please, just call me Albus."

They all moved to the table, and he turned to face Selenity. "Now, Miss Castle, I am here to ask you whether you would be interested in joining our school."

Selenity stared. "Your school? But I already attend--"

"Ah, but I can assure you that the school I am speaking of is much different than the one you currently attend."

Aurora spoke up. "What kind of school, exactly, Mr. Dum-- Albus?"

"Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," he said simply. 

Selenity stared at the man with wide eyes. Glancing at her mom, she mouthed, 'Is he off his rocker?'

"No, dear Selenity. I'm just as sane as you are."

Aurora sighed. "Alvin always said someone would come for her eventually."

Selenity now turned her incredulous gaze to her mother. "What do you mean, come for me?!"

"If I may, Mrs. Castle? Selenity, your father was a wizard, a very fine wizard who made many contributions to the magical society. His magical blood runs through your veins, which would make you a witch."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry. This is a little much. Do you mean to tell me that I am a witch, as in the whole spells, cauldrons, and wart trip?"

He smiled. "The spells and cauldrons, yes. The warts, well, as long as you stay away from the Wartcap Powder, you shall remain wart-free."

Selenity snorted. 

Albus sighed. "I thought you wouldn't be so easily persuaded." He reached into his coat and pulled out a long thin stick that looked like a wand. "What are you doing at the moment, Miss Castle?"

Confused she answered, "Um, I'm sitting down?"

He smiled and waved the stick. "Are you quite sure?"

"Well, yes. I mean--" She stopped short, looking down at the chair. Which was sitting about three feet below her as she hovered in the air. She looked back at Mr. Dumbledore, who was staring calmly back.

"You're doing this?" she asked, gesturing toward the chair. He nodded. "This is awesome!" she squealed. 

He chuckled at her jubilance. With a flick of his wand, she was once again in the chair. 

"Tell me more about Hogwarts!" Selenity exclaimed eagerly. 

For the next hour, Albus Dumbledore explained the purpose of Hogwarts, what would be taught, and how students' lives were. When he finished, Selenity turned to her mother. 

"Please, please, please can I go, Mom? It would be so cool!"

"Well... Are you sure she would be safe there?" Aurora asked plaintively. 

"I can assure, madam, Hogwarts is absolutely the safest place for a young wizard to learn magic. She will be in no danger there."

She sighed. "I don't see why not."

Selenity screamed and jumped up to hug her mother. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!"

Smiling at her daughter, Aurora asked, "When will she start?"

"The term begins on the first of September. Most students arrive by way of the Hogwarts Express, but in Selenity's case, we will come up with an alternate route of transportation. She will stay at school the full year except for holidays, during which she is free to come home. Now, here is a list of things you will need for your year. You will be able to pick them up right before the beginning of school at Daigon Ally." He passed Selenity a list of the required items. "Even though you have not attended any magical course before, you shall be placed in fourth year with other students your age. I trust you will be able to find some friends who will be able to help you with your studies should you need it."

Suddenly, something in his pocket began shrieking loudly. Pulling out a watch on a gold chain, Dumbledore examined the time and stood up, stretching. "Terribly sorry, ladies, but it's time that I go. I will send an owl to you a few days before the first regarding how you will get to Hogwarts. Goodbye, Aurora, Selenity."

They all walked to the front door. As he stepped out onto the front step, Selenity stopped him. 

"Mr. Dumbledore? You say that most students start at the age of eleven. Why haven't I started before now?"

"Your father had placed some very clever charms on you and your mother; they hid you from the Ministry, and somehow even fooled the Trace. With that kind of protection, you could have continued using your magic for several years more without being noticed."

"Well, why have they found me now?" she asked, confused. 

"Ah, never underestimate the power of a birthday wish." With a smile and a wink, there was a loud CRACK! and Albus Dumbledore disappeared. 
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Here's the second chappy! Hope ya liked it. Comment and tell me whatcha think of the story so far!!! ^^ And cookies to whoever can tell ms what movie Selenity was watching at the beginning. :3