The Black Lake

The Black Lake

“Come on Amy, do it! I dare you!” Urged Ashley, shoving the small, demure girl another step closer to the edge of the ominous lake. A dark blanket of clouds blocked out the afternoon sun, transforming the water into a mirror as black as ink.

“You know, it was on a day just like this that little Susie Sherman was found floating amidst the reads not far from here.” Grinned Tiffany who was dipping her fingers into the murky water. “Come to think of it, Susie looked a lot like you, Amy: blond curls and freckles. Don’t you want to see if her ghost haunts these shores searching for her killer like everyone says?”

Amy took a step back from the two girls, shaking her head and whishing that she hadn’t come. No one ever ventured to this part of the forest because ghosts or not, it was just about the eeriest place in the world.

“I’m not going in there.” Answered Amy, staring at the black abyss as if it could swallow her whole.

“ Scardy-cat Amy is too afraid to get her paws wet!” Ashley taunted.

Amy frowned and took another step towards the woods. No amount of verbal abuse could ever force her to succumb to their wishes. Many people who had set foot in the lake never seemed quite the same again, and others just disappeared. It was said to be cursed.

“Fine. I’ll show there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Said Ashley, removing her clothes to reveal a blue bathing suit. She carefully waded into the water until it was deep enough to swim.

“See?” She said, paddling to the middle of the lake. “Nothing to be afraid of.”

Suddenly, Ashley was pulled under the water by an invisible force. The girls on the shore stood frozen with fright, watching their friend flail her arms, trying to get air. Then the splashing stopped and the water was still once again. The girl’s body floated face-down back to the shore. Amy and Tiffany let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed through the forest. Ashley stood up laughing.

“You guys are so gullible!” Grinned Ashley, grabbling a towel to dry herself off.

Angry and annoyed, Tiffany and Amy stomped off into the woods.

“You guys are no fun!” Ashley shouted after them as her friends disappeared amidst the trees. Frowning, Ashley turned around to gather her clothes, but found herself starring right into the face of a corpse, with two empty sockets where its eyes should have been, and pale, almost translucent skin.

Ashley screamed and jumped back a step, but the corpse was gone. Quickly, she grabbed her clothes, slipped on her shoes and made a run for the woods. She had only gone three steps before Ashley tripped over her own two feet and went down with a thud.

“Leaving so soon?” Asked an innocent voice behind her.

Ashley turned to see a young girl in a white night gown with pale blond hair and freckles standing just at the edge of the lake. Then she changed into the terrifying, sinister bone-white skeleton dressed in tatters that Ashley has seen before.

“I really hoped you would come play with us.” Said a menacing voice that seemed to come from every direction. “It will be so much fun that you may even decide to stay.” Grinned the skull, showing a row of jagged-sharp teeth.

Ashley Moore was never seen again.
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Please let me know what you think, I'm sending it into a news paper to get it printed...