Status: writing :)

Luna and Marie

Chapter 1

Luna didn’t believe in love. Fairy tales, all just a bunch of make believe, she’d argue. Love was like Santa Claus, she used to say. It’s something you believe in as a child, but there comes a time when you realize the truth, that it doesn’t exist. Luna’s time came with the disintegration of her parents marriage. She was so sure that she had everything figured out and then she met Marie.
Marie was, well, the exact opposite of Luna. She was reckless, whereas Luna lived inside the box. The box was safe. Luna liked safe. Usually. Marie believed in taking life for what it’s worth, never letting anything pass her by, having no regrets. Luna only did what she knew she could succeed at and she hated change. But, despite the differences, Luna fell in love with Marie the minute she saw her.
Maybe it was her gorgeous brown eyes, they spoke a language all their own. Maybe it was her beautiful brown hair that fell in her face, making her completely irresistible. In reality, it was everything about her. Marie was the universal symbol for perfection in Luna’s eyes. The only problem? Luna didn’t know how to tell Marie. Thus began the beginning of Marie and Luna’s clichéd but complicated love story.
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I don't know if I should keep writing, what do you think? :)