Sequel: Two Lives As One
Status: Check out Two Lives As One! Picks up at Christmas time after the events in this story :)

One Life To Live

First Name Basis

I added the last touch of lip gloss to my mouth and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked good, I mused. My hair curled and slipped back in a low ponytail (I recognized this as an on-becoming tradition), my skin fair (as always) but a good kind of shiny, and the circles under my eyes near to nonexistent. I had on my favorite pair of jeans that were dolled up with a flowing peach blouse, and simple black flats. I was good to go.

On my “day out” with Greg.

I was steering clear of the “date” word because I know in my heart I’m not ready for that yet. Even though it looked like Lance didn’t mind seeing new women, I wouldn’t be so quick. He seemed like he was having a pretty good time with that spicy salsa dancer last time, I thought bitterly. He even led her out the door to do God-knows-what with her.

But who was I to think that? I did break it off with him. That being said, shouldn’t the roles be reversed? Shouldn’t I be out dating guys, having fun and shouldn’t Lance be miserable? Even with that, couldn’t Lance be miserable and be with girls? It was all so confusing. And why was I rehashing this? Plus, I was moving forward from that today – that had to count for something.

He really surprised me this morning. I woke up to Bethany Lynn hovering over me, her eyes droopy, her hair like a hay stack, dragon breath emanating from her mouth telling me that, ‘Greg is on the phone, Melly.’ Even though it was 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday, it may as well have been 5:00 in the morning on a work day. Today we both had slept in – not the norm for me.

So, deliriously, I reached for the phone hearing his smooth, clean voice. “Melanie, would you say yes if I asked you to come with me to Central Park today?”

And there I was, getting ready in lightning speed while Bethany Lynn wished me good luck with a kiss on the cheek. She was always so supportive – how could I ever properly thank her?

Now, before I could think twice I was out the door heading off to spend a nice day with a nice guy whose name wasn’t Lance and things were good.


I walked out the doors of my dorm building to see Greg sitting inside a sleek emerald convertible. As I neared the car, I jumped, startled as he blew the horn, yelling out the window, “Melanie!”

A smile spread across my face and I had to laugh when he poked his head out of the passenger side window. He grinned and winked, “We have much to see in so little time!”

“I’ve got nothing but time.” I smiled.

Pleased by my response, he opened the door for me, ushering me in. “Perfect, because I’m not leaving until we’ve made our way through the entire park.”

My eyes widened. “Perhaps I should’ve worn my tennies, then.”

He laughed, amused. “I’m joshin’ ya, Mel. I’m not that perky.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” I answered smoothly.

He continued to laugh. “I believe we’re going to have a very good day. Though, that depends if I play good music, right?”

“So true.” I replied truthfully.

A moment later, he flipped the dial. “Do you approve?”

I opened my ears to listen to the music he had on – a soft jazz song with a sweet saxophone playing in the background and a soulful black woman’s voice whispering through the static. It was delightful. My legs swayed back and forth, a smile emerging on my face. “I do.”

He looked over, grinning. “Sorry it wasn’t Usher.”

“It’s all right,” I smiled wryly, “I like any music.”

He nodded. “So do I. From The Temptations to Lil Wayne – it’s all good.” He gave me a sidelong smile.

I smiled. “I agree.” I gazed outside and sighed just then. “It’s a gorgeous day out.”

Greg nodded. “It is. Which is why I turned down dinner tonight in favor for Central Park today.”

“Dinner tonight?” A smile tugged at my lips.

Greg grinned, scratching his chin. “I had a few plans.”

I laughed, twirling my hair – nervously, I realized. Just then an unsettling feeling came over me. I was still on the edge of this reminding me too much of Lance. Greg had almost the same charm as Lance does. Only, Lance was more smooth and compelling…utterly sexy and intoxicating to be around…

I shook myself, and turned my head towards the window so Greg wouldn’t see my frown. Why the hell couldn’t I get him out of my head? I was supposed to be thinking about how fun this day with Greg would be. I knew it would be great. Lance was just a man. A man that I was falling for – had been falling for, I mean. But I could get over it right?

Why couldn’t I get over it?


Greg and I started walking on the sidewalk, veering to the left and right in lue of colliding into the bikers that were wheeling back and forth. He sighed and shook his head, “Crazy bikers.”
I laughed at his annoyed expression. “They’re only trying to get in shape,” I commented lightly.

“While trying to knock us over…definitely.”

I smiled. “Maybe. But this is New York City. You got to be ready for anything, right?”

Greg mirrored my smile, his eyes turning kind once again. “I suppose. So I’d like to hear more about you.” He said conversationally.

I didn’t meet his eyes, just watched the water spurting out of the fountain on a nearby pond. “Me? But you are definitely more interesting, I think.”

“I beg to differ.” He nudged me, trying to get my attention. “So…you just moved here from Minnesota?”

At the moment, I didn’t really want to talk about my past. “Yeah after high school I left. Hey, want a hot dog?”

As my attention was driven toward the corner spot where the vender man was standing, Greg said. “At ten in the morning? Don’t you want breakfast first?”

“I don’t really spend too much time eating breakfast. Maybe when I’m game for it every now and then. So is that a no?” I clipped unnecessarily. Apparently I was impatient today.

He seemed amused, and hesitated for a moment. “That’s a yes.”

We traveled over to the hot dog stand were the short, stout man with a wickedly curly mustache and a grungy looking ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron. I came up to him, smiling. “Two hot dogs, please?”

“Sure, doll face. You want anything on it?” His accent was deep, and his voice scratchy.

I turned back to Greg momentarily. “You want anything?” I repeated.

He shook his head. “Naw, just ketchup.”

I looked back at the vender. “Both ketchup, and one with mustard, please.”

“Sure, sweetheart.” He whipped them up, placing the dogs in buns.

The words repeated in my head. Sure, sweetheart.


The vender brought me back to reality when he rang the two hot dogs on his cash register. “That’ll be $4.50, miss.”

“Okay,” I reached in my purse and snagged the money out of my purse. I handed it to the man and he nodded at me. “Have a nice day, kids.”

I gave the hot dog to Greg and he smiled. “Thanks.”

I bit into mine and all but moaned – my empty stomach thanking me. “You’re welcome.”

As he munched on the end of his, he cast me a curious look. “You look preoccupied.”

“I do?” I was ashamed suddenly. I must not be much into this date – er, day out – and Greg has been noticing. I had to cover, quick. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a long week.”

“You seemed so much...better a day ago. Is something bothering you?” He questioned, looking at me.

“No,” I lied, then felt bad about it. “Well, not really.”

“Not really?” He raised his eyebrows.

I sighed, better to come out with it. “I saw my ex-boyfriend last night and I guess it struck a chord. But it’s nothing.”

“Nothing? How long have you been broken up?” He looked concerned now.

I shrugged. “A couple weeks, I guess.”

“A couple weeks? Mel…” He frowned, abandoning his hot dog completely to gaze at me.

“I...I’m over it. Really. I just want to be happy again, that’s all. Instead of thinking about him.”

He searched my face for something, then ate another bite of his hot dog. “Okay. Whatever you say. But I’m here for ya, okay?”

I nodded, smiling. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

He nodded too, and turned to look at me. I giggled – he had ketchup all over the left side of his face. I used my napkin to smear and then to finally get rid of the red residue on his cheek. “You had ketchup on your face,” I informed him.

He sighed, “Mom did say I was the piggiest eater in her house.”

I laughed.


At the end of the day, we’ve managed to make it halfway through the park, which I felt pretty good about. Nearing the end of our journey, I had spotted the horse drawn carriages lined up on the side of the road and sighed in contempt. I loved horses. I used to ride them every year for my birthday back in Minnesota. Seeing them now was like the Cinderella fairytale I had so hoped would take my mind off things. Greg had seen my reaction to them, and walked forward to talk with one of the drivers which surprised me. He had paid for the one that looked the most like Black Beauty – which I loved – with its red ribbons and big clopping hoofs. We rode the carriage back to his convertible.

“You really didn’t need to do that,” I said, taking his hand while stepping off and hitting pavement.

“When I saw your face I had to,” he smiled kindly. I reared back and slid my hand down the beautiful horses’ mane. He neighed and shifted towards me. I petted him, and scratched behind his ears. I gave one last thank-you smile to the driver – Danny – and met back up with Greg.

“You really love them, huh?” He asked, intrigued.

“I do,” I beamed, “I used to ride them every year back in Rochester.”

“Wow,” he looked amazed, “I could never ride one.”

“Why not?” I asked with a wide smile on my face.

“Ah…male reasons,” he grinned.

“Oh,” I drew the word out, grinning, “I see. Well I happen to know many cowboys that do, y’know.”

“Not this one,” he laughed. We approached the car, and he stopped, taking my hand. “You like today?”

I gazed up at him, his brown eyes kind and fly-away hair on his forehead. He was a nice guy, I summed up. A real nice guy. “I did. Very much so.”

“Good.” He smiled. “Would you say yes to doing it again?”

“I think…I would.”

“Awesome.” He leaned forward, and took my face in his hands. His lips met mine, and they were smooth…comfortable. His lips were small to my more plumpy mouth, but it worked well. He kissed nice. He parted my lips, and I went with it. His breath entering my mouth. He came back for another kiss, and his tongue flirted at the edge of my mouth. Drawing back just then, I smiled. He let go of his hold on my face, and stepped back. He gave me a chaste smile, and took my hand once again as we neared his car.

While I got in, I couldn’t help but compare his first kiss to Lance’s first kiss.

Greg’s kisses were nice, comforting and…it made me feel good. The way I haven’t been in a while.

Lance’s kisses had been earth-shattering, collar-yanking ecstasy. It made me want so much more.

More than I could have, apparently.

I scowled to myself. Get a hold of yourself, Melanie.
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I slugged through this chapter soooo bad D: I hope it doesn't show! I got some inspiration in the middle and I'm glad I did!
Feedback? (: I'd love some!
Thanks for your patience,