Sequel: Two Lives As One
Status: Check out Two Lives As One! Picks up at Christmas time after the events in this story :)

One Life To Live


Melanie glanced up at the waitress, "The baked ziti, please."

I grinned in approval at Mel. "Good choice, love."

Melanie's cheeks turned rose in color, and she smiled back at the waitress - carefully ignoring me in order to be polite, of course - "Thank you," she said, handing the waitress her menu.

"Of course!" The energetic college girl chirped, taking her menu. Before dashing off, she cast one last look at me, subtly smiling in approval.

Mel's eyebrows were raised once I turned my head to look back at her. I grinned like a kid who's hand was caught in the cookie jar. "So," I leaned toward her over the table, gazing at her, "as I was saying; you look lovely tonight."

"Were you saying that?" She inquired with a knowing look.

I laughed. "In my head, of course darling. You know, you said this wasn't a date, yet you get all gussied up for it." I challenged, immensely amused.

"I'm getting a feeling that that particular issue is rendering you concerned, Mr. Capra. In my mind, even if I wasn't on a date, I would still dress this way." She said, mirroring her tone with self-confidence.

I waited in my seat, sipping my wine with an amused smile until she caught on to what she just admitted.

Her eyes widened a moment later, "Well - you knew what I meant." Her skin flushed again, her fingers played with the rim of her glass of red wine in embarrassment, I figured.
How could a college girl like her be so innocent?

"Of course, love." I waggled my eyebrows.

Then, Jimmy came walking over to our table. Shit, I mentally cursed. My eyes traveled over to him, and he grinned at me, “Hey Lance, who’s the stunning little lady over here?” He gestured with his chin to Melanie.

Melanie, being polite, extended her hand, and smiled. “Hi, I’m Melanie Cavlavier.”

“Jimmy Luca,” he took her hand, and kissed it.

She smiled, her eyes twinkling, “Nice to meet you.”

“As am I.” Jimmy grinned, letting go of her delicate hand.

Melanie looked over at me in question. “Jimmy’s one of my friends.” I murmured.

“His best friend of course,” Jimmy hedged. “So how’s the business, Lance?”

I shot daggers at him, how dare he bring up that? Especially while I’m on a date. “It’s fine.”

“Did you catch-” Jimmy began.

“No, we didn’t and I don’t think Melanie wants to hear about this.” I cut into him; Melanie glanced over at me, saying, “Oh I don’t min-”

“Naw,” Jimmy sighed, “That’s all right. I have to get to work, anyways. Hope you guys have a nice time.” He winked at Mel.

Melanie smiled, and waved a slight goodbye. She turned her gaze back on me, and scowled. “What was that about, Lance?”

I sighed, and downed the rest of my wine. “He’s annoying that’s all.” That was true, at least.
Melanie shook her head, and gave me a look. “What business are you in?”


My mental alarm system was going off. “Ah, it’s just a give and take business. Trading commodities, really.” I half-lied. How would you explain my job without scaring her?

“Sounds like the stock market,” Melanie caught, smiling.

I shrugged. “It’s like it. Though we have different parameters, I guess.” Very much different parameters.

She nodded, “Okay.”

“What about you? What exactly are you going into?” I questioned.

“Ah,” She smiled, while trying to think, “It’s hard to explain ‘cause I haven’t necessarily chose a career path yet. Although, I do know that it’s either going to be a radiologist, or a psychologist.”

“Hmm. What can you tell about me, Miss Psychologist?” I grinned.

“Many many things, Lance.” She smiled a little on the mischievous side. “For one, I know that you’ve been involved with quite a lot of women, you have a very close family because of your attention to detail, and your rooming status. Also that you like to party and play games with people.”

“Play games?” I asked, pretending to be shocked. It was true; I did like to play with people.

“Yes, quite.” She commented. “It’s all a matter of pride, and success with you. If you do not win in the games you play, you get…” She trailed off, trying to think of a word.

“Mad?” I guessed.

“Discontent, unsettled.” She shrugged, “It fuels your need for revenge, or to get the better of that person down the road.”

“Hmm,” I rubbed my chin, “I think you’re right on there, Mel.” I smiled.

She smiled, her eyes crinkling. “Which says that I would be a good psychologist?”

“Yes,” I answered, grinning.

“Good.” She winked.

The waitress then came with our meals.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D I wanted sooo bad to tell what Lance's big secret was, but I couldn't!!
You'll have to find out *sigh*
x. peace!