Status: Complete

Oh, Brother


Reece was on my mind more than she should have been. I was disgusted with myself. Dreaming about my own sister at night. Wondering if her skin was as soft as it seemed, if those lips of hers were as kissable as they looked…

It had to stop.

But what was I supposed to do? I couldn’t exactly get away from her. We were sharing a hotel suite. We were moving from country to country together. There wasn’t much opportunity to get away from her and, to be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

I caught myself coming up with stupid little excuses to touch her. As if I wasn’t torturing myself already just looking at her. Just listening to her laugh, provoking the light that came into her eyes whenever she found something particularly amusing.

We were relaxing in the hotel room while Charlene and Dad were out celebrating their marriage… again. The BBC was on, showing a skit starring Hugh Laurie.

“I love him,” Reece said dreamily, sighing exaggeratedly.

“Isn’t he a little old for you?” I asked, doing my best to keep a straight face. She was always acting in some way or another. One day in Scotland, she walked around all day pretending to be British. She wore elbow-length gloves and a delicate sunhat and everything. I just about died laughing, even though I had to go around pretending to be her personal butler.

She looked me dead in the eye. “When you love someone, there can be no boundaries between you. He could be a hundred and six and I would love him!” she proclaimed. No boundaries, eh? I shifted uncomfortably. I could think of a boundary that she wouldn’t likely find so surmountable.

In Venice the next week, we broke off from Jeremy and Charlene- which was pretty much a daily occurrence-and went museum hopping. It was strange, Reece loved museums. Most girls our age were more concerned with shopping.

Thank God I hadn’t been stuck with a sister like that. Given the choice between shopping all around Europe and sticking it out with Charlene, I truly don’t know what I would have done.

“Hey, get a picture of me and this statue,” Reece said, striking a pose next to a statue of a balding man, blowing an obnoxious kiss and curving her back so that I couldn’t help but look at her butt.

Heaven save me.

I snapped the picture as quickly as I could and gave her a small smile. “Something wrong, Ty?” she asked, frowning. She read me too well. That was hardly surprising, though. After all, we hadn’t spent much time apart in the last week, and somehow, our personalities just clicked. Like we’d always known each other, like we were meant to be friends- friends because more was impossible, a fact that I constantly reminded myself of.

I smiled a little bigger. I didn’t want to lie to her. Something in me was repulsed by the idea.

But that part wasn’t as big as the part that was even more repulsed by my attraction to my sister. How could I explain that to her? So I said, “No, nothing’s wrong. Let’s get going.”

I didn’t know what I wished more, that she wasn’t my sister or that I’d never met her. Either way, my life would have been a lot easier.

But that didn’t stop me from being glad that we spent all day together, and it didn’t stop me from slipping this picture into my wallet after Reece had the film developed and keeping it for myself.