Status: Complete

Oh, Brother


When Charlene left, she did it cruelly. She didn’t say goodbye to anyone, simply leaving a note on the door saying she was gone and that she wasn’t coming back, and to expect divorce papers to be delivered soon. Jeremy, he was devastated, but he didn’t let it show. He kept his chin up and acted like he normally might have. I think he might have even had Tyler fooled. I don’t know that Ty realized how much pain his father was in. Guys are like that.

So I took it upon myself to take care of him. I owed him that much, if not more, for my lies.

This had the added bonus of keeping me away from Tyler, too. Every day, it was getting harder to keep from slipping up in some way around him. From confessing or from kissing him.

So I kept my distance.

But then he called me out and I didn’t know what to tell him. I lied. And when he pushed me, I was too close to breaking. And so I ran off and called Reece.

She wanted me to tell him, had been trying to get me to for weeks. Didn’t she see how that would shatter what was between us? It could never work. He would never trust me again, not to mention what that would do to Jeremy.

And when I told her I was running, she supported me, even though I knew she thought it was making a big mistake

So here I was, in a taxi with Tyler on the way to the airport. Jeremy opted out of coming. He was so upset that I was leaving early, he didn’t want to have to watch me go.

Tyler had withdrawn into himself since last night. He was upset, I knew. But I didn’t know how to make it better for him.

We were going to part, and I would never see him again. That’s how it should be. I never should have met him.

But I couldn’t regret that I had, just that the circumstances made things so impossible.

He walked with me as far as he could, staying with me through the long line to the point where they were checking tickets. While we waited, he took my hand and held on, still not saying anything. His eyes didn’t leave my face, and I couldn’t look away from him, either.

If this was the last time I’d see him, I was going to make the most of it.

I was next in line, and he would have to leave soon. I felt sick. Physically sick. I was glad I hadn’t had the heart to eat anything that morning, because I wouldn’t have been able to keep it down.

“Next!” the security guard called. I took a step forward and squeezed my eyes shut. I squeezed his hand and was about to let go, but he yanked me back, whirled me around.

And he kissed me.

By the time my brain unfroze, I was already kissing him back. It was…

My mind blanked then, and it does now in the effort to describe it.

Reckless. Passionate. Liberating.

But then I had to go. I turned away and squeezed my eyes shut to hold back the tears, and walked away from him. I left my heart there with him.