Status: Complete

Oh, Brother


After Reece left, things were tough. Dad had really been counting on her, and she’d been doing him more good than I realized. Now, he mostly moped around and threw himself into his work, even though this was supposed to be his first break from that in fifteen years. I tagged along, but I stopped sightseeing.

Every new thing I saw made me wonder what Reece would have thought about it, or what the look on her face would have been. Probably wide-eyed astonishment and excitement. No matter how much we saw, she’d never started taking things for granted.

For the rest of the trip, every moment I could feel Reece’s absence. Europe wasn’t exciting without her. All I wanted to do was go back to America, to find her again.

I kept expecting her to call me, even while a sinking feeling in my stomach told me that she never would. She had to be disgusted by me. By what had happened.

But I couldn’t regret it. That kiss was undoubtedly the best thing that had ever happened to me, even if she still ran away.

I couldn’t stop hoping, though. Couldn’t stop wishing that she’d come back. That I could just hear her voice again. Every corner I turned, I instinctively searched for her face, half expecting it to be there even while hopelessness weighed me down.

My own sister.

It was disgusting, the way that that didn’t disgust me as much as it should. I didn’t care anymore.

And with that realization, I laughed.

I just didn’t care. So what if she was my sister? You can’t pick who you fall in love with. Look at the ancient Egyptians. They married siblings all the time.

And in that moment, I knew that I had to find her. Had to tell her. Had to do something, anything.

I started making plans.

I was going to be going back to college after this trip was over. I could transfer my credits, go where she was.

I would have to put that into motion right away. And it would cost quite a bit. But I could do that. I would. It was worth it, if I could see Reece. See her every day, maybe.

I felt better than I had in weeks. Giddy, almost, as I started making arrangements.

Soon, I would see her again. Even if she was still disgusted by…

No matter what, at least I would see her. And who knew? Maybe things would work out. I didn’t see how, but I couldn’t believe that this was it for us.

I refused to believe that.