A Kid at Heart

"Even though you're a kid at heart, you're my kid."

The sun trickled down between the green leaves of the tall trees that surrounded the area making dots of light shine on us, and then move slightly as the breeze hit the top branches. The noises of children’s laughter and yells filled my ears as they played on the playground, which for once wasn’t that annoying to listen to, surprisingly.

At the moment we were sitting on one of the picnic benches with our feet on the actual part you’re meant to sit on, but this way was better, it gave a better view of the park anyway. Couples around our age walked past us searching for somewhere to sit, only to glare at us when they saw how we were sitting on the table top. I glared back making them continue on quickly, which made me smile.

“You know, we should jump on the swings while there aren’t many kids there.” River mused from besides me.

I turned my head to glance at him, seeing him smiling at me. He scooted over, closer to me taking my hand in his. His grey-blue eyes shinned at me trying to make me do as he suggested.

“You can go if you like.” I said kissing his cheek. “You’re old enough for me not to hold your hand right?”
“No, I’ll get scared!” He whined playfully burring his face into my arm.

I chuckled lightly and nudged his head away from my arm. He pouted at me.

“You’re bigger than any other kid here and probably ten more years older too, you’ll be fine.” I laughed.
“But Trent!” He whined.
“‘But Trent’ nothing, go on hun.”

River looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes of his knowing that normally makes me melt. I wonder if he knows I’m just playing around.

“Why won’t you go on the swings with me?” He asked tilting his head to the side.
“Because swings are for kids.”
“Swings and playgrounds have no age limit!”
“They have height limit though, seriously how are we meant to fit in that tunnel without getting stuck?”
“Army crawl through it?”

I looked at him trying not to laugh. Gosh he really does want to go on the playground, not that I have a problem with it, I want to as well...But I want to see if he actually drags me over there.

“What about the baby stuff?” I asked eyeing the rockers.
“Well if you fit, then they’re for all ages.”

I eyed him oddly. Did he really just say that?

“Sometimes I wonder about you?” I said shaking my head.
“Why because I can do a chicken run?”
“Yeah and well, you act so much like a kid sometimes.” I laughed.
“So? People say it’s cute, plus its part of my personality, deal with it.” He mumbled.

I smile and tighten my grip on his hand slightly. He was right about that, he was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen when he acts like that; he really is a kid at heart.

“I’ve fallen in love with a kid!” I exclaimed suddenly jumping off the table.
“I’m not a kid, I’m older then you!” River whined loudly.
“You just whined, kids’ whine - so you’re a kid.” I shrugged simply.

River jumped off the table trying to hit my arm, but I laughed running away from him around the table. We ran around it a few times before I made a sudden turn for the playground. Without looking back I ran for the swings, jumping over the sand barrier and plopping into the first swing I got to.

River pouted as he stopped in front of me, hands sitting firmly on his hips. I smiled up at him.

“I thought you said swings are for kids?” He asked smirking.
“I changed my mind.” I laughed.

Finally he got that I was messing around with him making him pout before placing himself on my lap. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist so he wouldn’t fall off. Smiling I placed my head on his shoulder.

“Even if you’re a kid at heart, you’re my kid.” I whispered in his ear making him laugh lightly.
“I love you too.”

Beaming I kissed his cheek before starting to move the swing softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cute and fluffy.
Hope you liked it :)