Must Be Dreamin'

You Can Stop Now

“I hate hanging out with them now. All they do is make out!” I groaned as Jimmy was driving out for lunch… that we were going share with Josh and Kirstie.

How I agreed to this? I have no clue! But I blame Jimmy and his cute little pouty faces. It got him a few kisses before we left too. He’s so adorable.

But now, I have to deal with Josh and Kirstie all over each other. You would think they would keep their public display of affection to a minimal. But nope; not those two. They flaunt it every chance they get! And it’s quite disgusting if I say so myself.

“Well, we could make out the whole time,” he smirked over at me with those eyes of his hidden behind dark sunglasses.

His comment made me giggle though.That thought crossed my mind though. Not going to lie. But I like to believe Jimmy and I have a little more ‘private’ relationship. But… every now and then I can’t help myself and have to send a kiss his way.

When we got to the restaurant, Kirstie and Josh were already sitting at a table that was outside. Jimmy took my hand and led me over to them. He even pulled my chair out for me. How cute. He got a kiss on the cheek for it once he sat down.

“Hey,” Kirstie smiled.

“Hi, what’s up?” I replied, thinking this was going to be a good day.They haven’t put their lips on each other yet!

“Nothing. Josh and I were just talking about how cute he is,” she grinned goofily while wrapping her arms around her boo.

“No, we were talking about adorable you were,” Josh countered while hooking his own arms around her, adding a kiss to the top of he head.

Someone shoot me now! I literally groaned and rested my head on Jimmy’s shoulder. He chuckled and brought one of his arms around me as we looked over our menus. But those two just kept at it.

“No, you’re adorable,” Kirstie argued with a giggle in her voice.Do I even want to know what Josh is doing to her?

“That would be you, sweetheart,” he countered.

“No, that’s you, Joshie,” she replied.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I seriously let out a loud gagging noise, making them both shoot their gazes at me. Um… Jimmy, help.

“Was that really necessary?” Josh asked, trying to be the little BA thing that he is. I wasn’t buying it.

“We’re trying to have a nice lunch, but you two are all over each other! It’s sickening if you as me,” I replied.

“So… you would be doing the same thing with Jimmy so,” Kirstie piped in, sticking her tongue out at me.

“Jimmy and I don’t fine it amusing to mack on each other during a meal,” I shot back.

“He’s just not as cute as Josh. Don’t be jealous,” was her genius response.

Are you kidding me? Josh is, in no way, cuter than my Fitzy. Josh isn’t ugly, but… Jimmy’s just flat out sexy. I’d pick my Fitzy over Joshie boy any day… even if Jimmy were having a bad hair day!Josh has those all the time, so… I bet Jimmy’s would be cute anyway.

“Jimmy is way cuter than that greasy thing your lips have been all over,” I shot back while crossing my arms.

“He’s not greasy! At least he’s not a leprechaun!” she shot back at me.

This one made Jimmy crack up in an adorable chuckle. It made me do the same, but this little battle wasn’t over yet. After our waitress came and took our orders, I decided I was going to be all over my Fitzy.

He didn’t seem to mind either. He did the same thing right back… and I loved every second of it. Even when our lunch came, we cranked up the flirty meter.Not greasy meter! That’s Josh job.

Jimmy was being so adorable though. He fed me a few bits, pecked my lips every now and then, and even scooted me closer to him. I honestly could not ask for a better man. But towards the end of our meal, Kirstie finally broke! YES!

“Ok, you can stop now. I get it. You don’t like Josh and I being all flirty around you,” she said with a playful annoyance in her voice.

“No, I like being flirty with my Fitzy,” I countered, hugging onto him tightly. I couldn’t see his face, but I’m assuming he smiled, because he left a soft kiss on the top of my head.

“He’s a leprechaun! Your kids are going to be so ugly. They’ll have bright red hair and that scary face!” she said while covering her eyes.

“Just because Jimmy’s Irish doesn’t mean his babies are going to look like leprechauns! They’ll be cute just like he is,” I pouted my lip out playfully at him, making him smile and peak them softly. “At least he won’t have greasy babies,” I shot back, making Jimmy and I both chuckle.

“I’m not greasy!” Josh groaned.

“Yes you are. Just look at that hair,” I teased, referring to the slight shine it had from his hair gel… I’m assuming anyway.

He just groaned again, making Kirstie push out an aw before wrapping her arms around him. This started another who’s cutter battle between them again. Thankfully, Jimmy was just as annoyed as I was. He took my hand and led me back to his truck, leaving the two couple to be all flirty with each other. I had my Fitzy to flirt with… away from everyone else… like most normal people!
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