Must Be Dreamin'

I Don’t Listen To Liars

THREE MONTHS! that’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen Josh! I’ve been on this stupid tour that’s all over the East Coast and so Josh can’t come to any of my shows because he’s got races and I can’t come to his races because of my shows. Urg!

Our phone conversations seem to keep getting shorter too. The last few times I’ve talked to him he ended them abruptly and I just plain miss him. So that leads me to where I am today. We had Monday and Tuesday off so I flew to California to surprise Josh.

A big smile appeared on my face as I walked into his house but it was quickly ripped away. Instant tears appeared in my eyes as I saw one of the most heartbreaking sights I’ve ever been forced to see. Josh cheating on me.

Josh was laying on the couch and a blonde girl was under him in a skimpy Monster energy outfit and they were heatedly kissing. Oh that makes it so much better, so has he been cheating on me at all the races I haven’t come to? Both of them whipped their heads toward me as I stood there completely stunned.

“Josh?” I choked out through my tears that were engulfing me. “I thought you loved me?”

Both of them just kept staring at me and I turned around and ran out the door. Loud sobs came out of me as I walked toward my car.

“Kirstie!” Josh called after me. “Kirstie, listen to me!”

“I don’t listen to liars,” I hissed as I spun around.

“I’m not a liar,” he softly said as he caught up to me.

”Yes you are!” I shot at him. “You’ve been lying to me this entire time! How could you do this to me Josh?

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” He told me.

Well you did!” I countered. “Josh, almost every boyfriend I’ve had has cheated on me and it’s ended this way. Him with some other girl and me with a broken heart. I don’t know why it always happens to me but it does and I can‘t take it anymore!. But when I met you I thought that you were different….I guess I was wrong.”

“No Kirstie I just….” Josh sighed but never finished.

“I didn’t think you would be that same way Josh. I really loved you. No one has ever made me feel the way that you do and right now… no one has hurt me more than you either,” I cried through my tears that were so heavily descending down my cheeks.

“Kirstie I was lonely. I missed you and I wanted comfort,” Josh said abruptly with a harshness to his voice.

“Oh great,” I sarcastically shouted. “You missed me so you cheat on me, that makes so much sense. Thanks a lot Josh, thanks for breaking my heart.”

”Well I‘m sorry!” Josh shouted at me.

I was so hurt by him and what hurt even worse was he didn’t seem sorry at all. When he started walking closer to me I didn’t even say anything to him. I slapped that baby face of his as hard as I could, and then hopped in my BMW and drove home sobbing my eyes out the entire way.

When I finally arrived home I saw a few photographers outside my door. GREAT! I pushed my way past them and got into my house. I hate that part of being famous, they love to write about you when you’re on top of the world and write about you when you’re at the bottom.

“Who called you guys?” I shouted out the window.

“The girl your boyfriend cheated on with,” one of them shouted back. Oh that makes it so much better!she’s a real winner Josh.

I curled up on my couch and bawled my eyes out for hours before I called Kylee. Being the great friend she is came over and tried to console me but… it didn’t work.

“You’ll find another guy,” Kylee said to me.

“But I love Josh… he just doesn’t love me anymore. He doesn’t even care about me,” I cried.

“Aw Kirstie,” She cooed while pulling me into a hug.

“I just didn’t think he would do this to me,” I bawled.

“Well if he would do that to you then he isn’t wroth your time,” she stated with care in her voice.

”I thought he loved me,” I softly said as more and more tears came out.

I understand that being a girl in a band I’m going to probably date guys who are flakey and trust me, I’ve dated plenty of those. I’ve been cheated on countless amounts of times I just really honestly didn’t think Josh would do that to me. I was sure he was different but I guess he doesn’t.I sure wish I was wrong….
♠ ♠ ♠
awww sad :(
but comments are happy! lol

Josh and Kirstie