She's Out Of This World

"Hey Apple"

I woke in the morning with the sound of The Summer Set blasting in my ear. I groaned and pressed the button to stop my alarm. I slowly got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom and showered. I rushed into my bedroom again. I pulled out a white knee length white dress with brown flowers going around the bottom. I pulled on some white flats and a silver key necklace. I attached the gold anklet my dad had given to me, to my ankle. I packed my bag and left my room. I walked down stairs and smelt breakfast. I slowly turned into the kitchen and smiled at Natalie who was playing with her school jumper. She was in fourth grade. I giggled at her. Mom and her turned to face me. Mom was smiling as she placed pancakes on the table. Natalie was glaring at me as she picked at the jumper again. I crossed the kitchen and sat down at the table, and started to eat breakfast.

“So how was the concert then?” asked mom sitting down next to me.

“It was great we got to meet the guys” I admitted smiling at my mother when I saw the shine of excitement in her eye’s.

“Really, that is amazing, Andrena will be very jealous” said mom the excitement clear in her voice.

“I’ll call her tonight” I said standing up and grabbing my bag from the floor “but I promised Jake and Sophie I would meet them”.

“Alright bye honey” said mom kissing my forehead. I waved at Natalie and closed the front door behind me.


“Hey Apple” I heard Jake’s voice say from behind me. He was my best friend, well my gay best friend.

“Hey Jakers” I squealed turning to hug him. He wrapped his arms around my waste and pulled me close.

“Missed you” I heard him mumbled into my hair.

“Missed you too Jake and where’s Sophie?” I asked pulling away from him and looking round. Next thing I know something was on my back almost knocking me to the ground. “Sophie” I groaned as she jumped off my back.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist” I glared at her as she giggled. I sighed and linked all of our arms.

“So how was the concert?” asked Sophie getting worked up.

“It was amazing we got to meet the guys” I said looking over at Jake who was grinning wildly.

“Ahhhh oh my god, did you get their numbers?” asked Sophie now jumping as we walked.

“no” I lied looking straight ahead as we walked down the street towards the school.

“But if you did that would have been so cool” mumbled Sophie. I hated lying to them but I wasn’t going to have them telling everyone.

“Yeah maybe” I muttered. We got up to school and promised to see each other at lunch and then headed to first period.


I met Jake at the end of school, out at the picnic tables. “Where’s Sophes?” I asked him as he placed his hand in mine. Ok, I know what your thinking, he’s gay why is he holding your hand? Well we’ve known each other for years and everyone knows that so we don’t look as if we’re dating. I’d never thought of him in that way. Not that he wasn’t good looking, with his blonde hair and deep blue eye’s. Even I who does not feel anything for him but friendship can get lost in his eye’s. Tells you something, doesn’t it. I walked down the path to the school gates and saw a curly haired boy with sunglasses. He smiled at me but his smile dropped when he saw my hand in Jake’s. I let Jake’s hand go and walked over to the boy.

“Nick?” I asked with a questioning look.

“Yes” he mumbled looking down. Not that I could actually see his eye’s.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Well I was here to see you but I guess your busy”

“What?” I then finally realized what he meant “Oh you think Jake and I are… no were just best friends”.


“He’s gay”


“Jake, come over here”

“What is it?” he asked looking at Nick.

“This is Nick Jonas” I said quietly. I saw Jake’s eye’s bulge.

“Hey” said Nick.

“But you said, but he, but…” Nick and I laughed as Jake started to stutter.

“Look I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get something to eat or something?” asked Nick turning to me. I smiled slightly the blush rising up my neck. Why would he want to ask me out on a date. I felt something nudge me. I turned and saw Jake grinning.

“Sure” I mumbled turning to face Nick again.

“Bye” yelled Jake who was already half way down the street. I laughed and waved at him before turning to face Nick, who had the passenger side car door open.

“Thanks” I mumbled sliding into the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Me: Hey Kev *walks into his room*

Kevin: Hey *looks back at computer*

Me: What you doing?

Kevin: Talking to Danielle

Me: Cool tell her I say hi

Kevin: will do but once you say it well write it

Me: Fine, I do not own the Jonas Brothers or any of their songs if they show up in this chapter

Kevin: Dani say Hi