Status: New. Two authors. Read the first two chapters before deciding if you like it or not.


I Still Think Of The Bombs They Built...

I crouched down low behind a bush, watching and waiting with my fellow soldiers for the enemies to arrive. A minute later they were filing in. Jesus Christ, there were so fucking many of them. It was silent for a moment as they stood there in front of our much smaller group. I pulled my gun up and positioned myself so that I could hit one of them perfectly. I pulled the trigger and watched the bullet soar through the air and go right through the fucker. He fell over and his blood began to soak through his white outfit. And so the war began. I ran through the crowd, shooting Korse's Agents and dodging bullets. Soon enough, I began to recognize faces of the people who were on the ground, dead. In fact, I looked up just in time to see my dear friend Bob's blood splattered across one of the enemy's white suit. My mouth fell open slightly and I could feel my eyes begin to water as I forced myself up.

I began to shoot all the God damn motherfuckers.

I looked up at the warm sun of the desert and couldn't help but sigh. I had been traveling for days in search of one of the most powerful succubus' lair. I was sent here to destroy her, paid to, in fact. I pushed my hair off of my sweating forehead and licked my bottom lip, waking a little faster. I paid no attention to where I was walking and tripped over a rather large stone. I spit out a small amount of sand before sitting up and looking at the stone. Well how odd. It didn't fit in at all. I kicked it a little. It fell through what seemed to be a hole.
Aha, I've found it.
I lowered myself down into the hole and began to walk through a dark, cave like passageway. A few steps later I was in a large room that was lit. The room looked as if it was the inside of a genie's bottle. I saw Ebony, asleep, on a bed that seemed to be mad of gold. I wanted to kill her as quickly as I possibly could. I grabbed the lighter our of my back pocket and prepared to set the place on fire when one of her copper colored wings twitched. I stopped halfway across the room and watched as she raised up and looked at me. Her lips formed a small smirk as she began to move around the room. I stood nervously, wanting to leave this place more than ever now. And then she was out of sight.
I shivered when I felt Ebony's warm breath on my neck as she muttered words in her demonic language. I turned my head to stare at the beautiful creature that was standing behind me. Her long, red hair stopped just before her butt, covering most of her nude body. Ebony moved closer and pressed herself against me, placing my hands on her lower back and her arms around my neck. I swallowed nervously, hoping I would do this right. The lighter that was clutched tightly by my right hand seemed slippery suddenly. She pressed our lips together. I flicked the lighter open and set her hair on fire first. When her body tensed I pulled away from her and lit a few more body parts on fire before running for my life.

“Ego mos have meus ultionis,” she screamed after me as she engulfed in flames. Now how the hell am I supposed to get out?

I opened my eyes when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. I looked around before figuring out that I had fallen off the couch in my mother's living room and hit my head on the coffee table.
God, I'm so lame. Thirty-fucking-three years old and I still live with my mother.
I kept telling myself that I was going to buy myself an apartment but I never really got to it.
Well today I had a day off from my job at the local IHOP, so why not buy one now? I pulled a pair of decent looking and smelling jeans on and then a band t shirt. After grabbing one of the many ads for apartment houses off of the coffee table, I pulled my shoes on and walked out the door into the cool October air. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and began walking to a set of nearby apartments, one of which would soon be mine.

I was a Killjoy and proud of it.
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This chapter is shit D: