Status: New. Two authors. Read the first two chapters before deciding if you like it or not.


Face All the Pain and Take It On

I pulled the dirty apron over my head and fixed it so it fit a little better. I walked into the kitchen of the breakfast restaurant and inhaled, smiling when a delicious aroma of pancakes, french toast, and other morning goods filled my nostrils.
“Finally! I thought you'd never show!” I looked over to meet a pair of green eyes. I smiled before walking over to Becca, a friend I had made in my time working here. I pulled my hair back and began to pour pancake mix into the frying pan. The stove was already on so I held the metal pan over it, flipping when necessary.

The new neighbor had been nice at least. She was pretty too. Though far too shy for my liking. It was sorta a shame.

I was really distracted, not paying any attention to my work as I talked with Becca about a new band I had discovered, when I smelt something burning. I looked down at my frying pan and let out a small scream when I saw that the pancakes were on fire and that the flame was spreading to my arm.
“Oh shit!Oh shit!”
I dropped it and ran to the fire extinguisher when the loud, annoying beep of the fire alarm began to ring throughout the kitchen. I cussed as I walked back over and put the fire out, white foam going everywhere. I coughed and blinked, looking around.
“Fuck me.”
My eyes widened slightly, guess I'm in trouble.
I wiped some of the foam from my face before walking over to my boss, slowly, not wanting to be yelled at.
“YOU FUCKING IDIOT! HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN SET THE DAMN PANCAKES ON FIRE! AND-” I just sorta zoned out there, staring right into the small black eyes of my boss, watching, as his chubby, round face grew redder and redder as the minutes ticked by.
“AND YOU SIR, ARE FIRED!”he held out his hand for the apron. My mouth fell open. I couldn't afford to loose this job! But then again, I did do some damage. I slowly pulled off the smock and handed it to him before crossing my arms over my chest and leaving the damned place, muttering every cuss word I knew on my way out.

While on my way home, a bright colored poster caught my eye. I walked up to the telephone pole and tore the poster off. It was an ad for a job as a make up artist for a new television show, since they were starting with those again. I was pretty good at make up, and I needed a job.. Plus working on that shit would be fun. I smiled slightly and took the neon green colored paper home. When I unlocked the door of my small apartment, I grabbed the phone immediately and dialed the number that it said to. A woman, who sounded young, answered. We had a three minute conversation. She ended it by telling me to come to the address on the paper, 501 Victory Blvd, tomorrow around noon. If I had the right skills, I would get the job. If not then, poo.

I hung up the phone and left the paper by it before wandering around my empty place. I decided to make the best of the rest of the day. I took a blank canvas outside with all of my paint. With a cancer stick placed between my lips, I began to paint the scene around me.
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