Status: New. Two authors. Read the first two chapters before deciding if you like it or not.


I Don't Need It, But I'll Sell What You Got

I had gone to bed that night, not in the greatest of moods. I didn't know why, but something just didn't seem right. I stared at the dull gray ceiling until sleep came to me. I dreamt of after the war had ended, and victory was ours. When all that remained of our troops celebrated and went out for drinks. It had been a rather nice time.
“Ego mos have meus ultionis.”
A feminine voice pulled me out of my cheery dream and into reality. I jerked up in my small bed, breathing heavily as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I scanned every inch of my room, hearing something scramble its way out.
“What the fuck?”I hissed. The voice had been so familiar, it scared me a little. I quickly turned on the light as panic began to overtake my body. I crawled out of bed, clutching my pocket knife in my hand, searching for my intruder.
But there was nobody there.
When I finally crawled back into bed, I couldn't help but still fear that something was in my apartment, watching me, waiting until I fell asleep again so they could strike. About an hour later, I came to the conclusion that I was most definitely not going to fall asleep anytime soon. I sighed, I had been having the first good dream in a great while. I pulled on a pair of jeans that were now baggy on me, and then my leather jacket. Screw putting on a new shirt. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I left the house, going for a midnight stroll.
My mind would not leave the subject of what had happened earlier as I walked down the ruined streets of Cali. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until I walked straight into a motherfucking brick wall. I cursed myself before taking note of my surroundings.
I was in a pitch black alleyway.
I turned around while rubbing my nose only to meet two crimson colored eyes. I swallowed and backed up into the wall. Just my luck, I'm being cornered by a hungry flesh eating demon in an alley where it is to dark to see anything but the demons eyes.
A growl erupted from the back of its throat as I tried my best to silently remove the knife that I had, oh so thankfully, brought along. Praying that I would hit the demon, I slashed the blade out in front of me. The monster let out a howl and fell down. I ran out of the alley as quickly as possible, reaching the safe light of the streetlamp, happily. But something grabbed both of my legs. I looked down and my eyes widened as I saw a very pissed off, hungry looking demon, clutching my legs rather tightly. Its cat like eyes were now a bright, unforgettable, red. Its hair was long and a snowy white color that blended with its pale complexion. I attempted to shake it off of my body but that resulted with it pulling me down onto the ground and dragging me back to the alley at an inhuman speed. Luckily, I grabbed onto the corner of the brick wall. I clung to it as the demon pulled at my legs. Soon my arms grew tired and I no longer possessed the strength to hang on. I was forced backwards and slammed against the wall. The demon opened its claw like hand and brushed it in front of my face. At first I felt nothing. But then I felt the warm blood trickle down m face. And then it began to string rather painfully. The demons bent down and began sucking on the wound. I found the blade once again and gripped it tightly while it continued feeding.
I was not about to just give up. I plunged it forward and through the demons chest. It froze before making a strange screeching noise and disintegrating.
I quickly made my way out of the alley, still holding the blade as I ran all the way back home.
Maybe it was a better idea to stay home at times like this.
Demons were running among us.
Why hadn't I realized this before?

I had cleaned the wound so it wouldn't get infected and luckily took 40 winks. I had waken up around 5 am the next day. I performed the same old routine. When I was ready to go and start the day off with doing somebody's make up, my cell phone caught my eye. I walked over to it and picked it up, a name suddenly coming to my mind.
I smiled to myself as I dialed the familiar digits and pressed the phone against my ear.
“Why the hell are you calling me so early?”a voice thick with sleep answered.
“Sorry, dude. I just wanted to make sure you were still alive.”
“You called yesterday and I was fine, why wouldn't I be today?”
I heard movement.
“I dunno. I'm all alone and there's nothing to doo..”
“Go bother somebody else.”he chuckled. I laughed.
“I already called you, it'd be a waste of time if I just hung up and called somebody else..”
“Gah, whatever.”
I cracked a smile. “So how've you been, man?”
“Meh. I've had better days. You?”
“Alright, I guess.”
We continued are small, simple conversation. Catching up on a few things, blah. Blah. Blah.
Before I knew it, noon had come and we said our goodbyes as I walked outside.
I unlocked my car door and climbed inside, make up kit tossed lazily on the passenger's seat.
And I was off, the whole demon and voice shit eating at the back of my mind.
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