‹ Prequel: Kiss and Tell

Blah Blah Blah


I woke up snuggled on top of Patrick’s chest. The deep rumbling of his snores were still echoing in the room. Squinting through the sunlight, I recoiled away from him and get on to my feet, still in a daze. The room seemed colder than it did last night, and my naked body was erupting into goose bumps quickly. I sighed, running a hand through my ratty mess of hair and silently walked into the bathroom to grab a comfy, warm, hotel bathrobe.

I sighed when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was definitely not one of those girls who wake up pretty. My makeup from the night before was smeared half way across my face, and my cheeks were reddened with a slight rash from leaving my makeup on too long. My hair was another story all together; it was sticking up in directions unheard of.

I washed my face and brought a brush through the tangles, brushing my teeth shortly after. I reached behind me for the fluffy, white rob, as my iphone screen lit up and vibrated. Throwing the piece of clothing on, I turned to my cell phone and noticed I had more than a few messages. My heart instantly began to race. Now that I’m a mother, I don’t get text messages very often. The only texts I receive are from Patrick, or Jonathan, and I knew that Jonathan wouldn’t interrupt the weekend away that he had given me, unless something happened with Levi.

I looked at the screen and saw eight text messages from Jonathan; I relaxed when I saw there were no phone calls. That had to be a good sign, right? I also had one message from my sister, but I knew that was irrelevant, I would get back to her later. Quickly, I scanned through the messages, my eyes taking in everything as fast as possible.

From: Jonny
Sent 1:03 AM

From: Jonny
Leah, I need to talk to you.
Sent 1:10 AM

From: Jonny
Answer please, Levi’s fine. I’m freaking out.
Sent 1:20 AM

From: Jonny
I’m sorry for interrupting but please fucking answer Lee, Pat’s phone’s off.
Sent 1:32 AM

From: Jonny
Fuck Leah!!!!!!
Sent 1:36 AM

From: Jonny
Ok um your obviously busy. Call me when you get this..
Sent 1:40 AM

From: Jonny
I can’t wait Leah, I can’t sleep, pick up!!!!
Sent 1:50 AM

From: Jonny
Call me in the AM.
Sent 2:00 AM

Frowning, I re-read the messages. He clearly indicated that Levi was fine, so what was the emergency? Did Patrick need to return for the ‘optional’ practice? I couldn’t see that being such a big ordeal that Jonathan would lose sleep over it. I pondered for a moment, my red fingernails tapping on the countertop of the bathroom.

I took a second to look out of the doorway and see if Patrick wanted to deal with this, but he was now flipped onto his stomach, snoring away. I sighed, shutting the door and locking it, and dialing Jonny. I made my way to the toilet and put the seat down so I could sit comfortably. I had a strong feeling I would need to be sitting for this phone call anyhow.

He picked up on the first ring, obviously awaiting this phone call.

“Leah,” he said, almost urgently, “Leah, I’m fucked.

I frown, chewing on my thumbnail nervously, “What’s wrong Jonny, is Levi okay?”

For some reason my maternal instincts told me to double check that my son was okay, even though Jonathan had already mentioned it.

He let out a short breath, “He’s perfect Leah, he’s colouring right now.”

“Okay,” I nodded to myself, crossing my legs, “What’s wrong?”

For a second, I thought he was crying. There was a distinct whimper that passed through his voice, but when he started to speak again, he sounding fine, just scared.

“I fucked up, Leah, badly,” he informed me, “I really screwed up this time.”

I tried to think of anything so horrible that Jonathan couldn’t fix. Unless he killed somebody, I don’t see a reason for this panic. He had so much going for him, it was thrilling, and he knows that. I realized I was silent for too long when he checked if I had hung up.

“Lee?” he whispered.

“Yeah, I’m here,” I replied, running a hang through my hair, “What happened, Jonny?”

“I got somebody pregnant.”

I nearly dropped my phone. That one line was enough to send chills down my spine and make my stomach churn. Jonathan was in no way ready to be a father. He would have been a few years ago, but he’s gotten less mature rather than more. He didn’t have a steady girlfriend, or a girlfriend at all, so this child wasn’t being brought into a special relationship. He didn’t want a child, he wasn’t prepared to have a child.

“W-What?” was all I managed to croak out.

He got a little bit louder, “Fuck, I know! Oh fuck, Oh fuck! What do I do, Leah?”

“Who is the mother?” I asked quietly, still too in shock to really react.

He sighed, “A girl from the bar a few months ago. You know the black haired one that always hangs around us when we go out.”

I cringed and nearly slammed my hand onto the counter in frustration, “Goddamn Jonny, she probably poked holes in the fucking condom, she’s nuts!”

He groaned, “I know, Leah! I know! I only hooked up with her a few times, I really fucked up.”

I sighed and ran my hand against my forehead, “Look,” I said calmly, “We’ll come home in a few hours, okay? We’ll figure it out.”

“No!” He said urgently, “No, you guys need this weekend away, stay.”

“You need us,” I told him sternly, “We’ll be home soon.”

He let out a breath; I think he was relieved, I felt a little bit better knowing that I was giving him hope. I knew that there were things I would recommend to him, ways to handle this, and abortion was not going to be one of them. He should know that already.

“Do you think we can fix this?”

I smiled to myself, really wanting to wrap my arms around him, “You fixed me when I thought I was unfixable. This will be a cakewalk.”

He laughed, “I’ll see you in a bit.”

I nodded, “Bye Jonny.”

I hung up, and few about half an hour, I sat on that cold toilet seat- staring at the phone in my hands.

I was scared shitless for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh, shit hath hittith the fan.
What do you guys think! Daddy Tazer?!

thank you too:
my sexy twinny twin <3

y'all are the cat's meow!

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