Status: My computer died a while ago, and I've been super busy, so this is on a hiatus.

About A Girl.

Chapter Two; About A Girl.

Brian paced from one side of the room, to the other, for about half an hour before it drove me nuts. Sitting up on the bed, I jumped forward as he passed again and grabbed his wrist. He stopped, gazing down at me blankly, before pulling away and continuing his pacing. I frowned and huffed. My arms crossed firmly across my chest.

I could understand he was upset, but what about me? I couldn't even remember how we met, or how much I could have loved him. He was basically a stranger to me, and that for some reason hurt. My chest seemed to tighten uncomfortably each time he would look over at me, his eyes filled with sadness. Occasionally a few tears rolled down his face, and it only made me hurt more. My thoughts bounced wickedly from one side of my skull to the other.

Should I try to hold him or something? He'd probably just shrug me off again... I sighed once more, falling backwards onto the bed.

"Brian, you're going to eventually create a hole in the floor from your pacing, and then fall through to the bottom floor. I doubt you want to pay to fix that." I spoke up, causing him to stop. He turned to look at me, biting his bottom lip. My head tilted. I wished I could remember kissing him. His lips look soft.

He took a few long strides towards me. I sat up again and moved over, encouraging him to sit. I was sick of seeing him constantly moving. Even on the ride home from the hospital his legs bounced and his hands twitched while he drove me to his home, where, apparently I was most of the time. He told me that we were planning for me to move in. I was supposed to within the week according to the contract I had for my apartment.

Brian held my hand when he sat down, stroking the back of it with his thumb. His hands were rough, but still extremely comforting. He looked over to his small collection of guitars in the opposite corner of the room. I found them all so beautiful.

I wish I could remember hearing him play. My mind spoke sadly once again.

Tears welled up once again, causing little droplets to fall on my t-shirt. Brian quickly noticed and lifted my chin with index finger. I furiously wiped my tears away.

"What's wrong?" He asked, grabbing both of my hands. I shook my head.

"Can you just play something for me?" I asked, smiling a bit. Brian jumped up excitedly and ran over, picking up a tan coloured acoustic guitar. Sitting down once again, right beside me, it was all natural, raw talent that came from him. The notes he played were even more soothing than his deep voice. The mixture of chords and notes made me smile.

It seemed familiar.

"What song was that?" I asked as the song stopped, and Brian stopped humming along. His focus on the guitar abruptly stopped with my question.

"I used to play it for you all the time. Nirvana's one of your favorite bands."

About a Girl. I grinned.

"Brian! It's called "About a Girl"!" I cried out, jumping on him. My arms wrapped around his neck, my smile not leaving my lips. Brian nodded against my shoulder the he was using as a head rest. I felt his chest start to quake, and for a second I thought he was going to start crying. But as I leaned back, concerned, I saw that he was laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because I'm just so happy."

Brian leaned against the large amp, smiling ear to ear. In front of him, Metallica played loudly to tons of adoring fans, including him and his friends. The music was so loud that the floor underneath him shook. But he continued to smile happily, uncaring of the hearing damage he could develop.

"Now, I wanna bring out some friends..." A familiar voice spoke through the loud speakers, but it seemed faded.

Everything seemed to slow down a bit and drop in octave.

Brian and four other guys dressed like him walked onto the stage. Two of them stood at one microphone, and three others stood on the opposite side of the stage, at another microphone.

I could see James Hetfield move his mouth to speak, but I heard nothing. I only saw the bright and excited smile of Brian and the men he was with.

I blinked rapidly as the vision faded and my hearing returned. Brian was repeating my name and shaking my shoulders.

"Sorry. I just spaced out." I said, trying to calm him. His eyes were filled with so much worry, it seemed impossible to care that much. But although I tried to sound as convincing as physically possible, he didn't buy it. I didn't either.

"Did you have a vision or something?"

"Brian, don't be stupid. It's just the after effects of the accident. My mind is just coming up with day dreams and I'm not strong enough mentally yet to control it."

Brian's eyes squinted a tad, suspicious.

"Don't worry about me, okay?" Resting my hand on his shoulder, I pat it twice before hopping off the bed. "Now, let's go get my memory back, okay?" I said, attempting to run out the door. But before long, my face collided with the floor.

"I'm alright!"

Brian approached from behind, and I heard him sigh. My body was lifted up by two large arms. I frowned when I saw I was back in the bedroom.

"But, I wanna go out!" I pleaded, attempting the "puppy dog eyes". Brian shook his head and smiled. I pouted again and pulled on his shirt when he laid me down on the bed. "Pwease?"

"You're definitely going straight back to who you were." And with a laugh, Brian picked me up again and placed me in his car. How he managed to grab his car keys and put on his shoes with me occupying his arms, I had no idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is more so dialogue. But, that's okay? D:
Thank you to my 3 commenters. I adore you very much so. ^-^

Now what do you think. Is she actually seeing visions, or is it just something caused by the brain damage, and simply her mind running a little wild?
Comment and let me know. If you have no idea, then just comment and tell me I need to update so you can find out more. :D

Let's try to double the comments. 6 comments to next chapter?
Kay, sweet. <3