Status: My computer died a while ago, and I've been super busy, so this is on a hiatus.

About A Girl.

Chapter Three; Re-Everything.

According to Brian, Matt's house was the go to when there were get togethers. His home was not the largest of the group. It wasn't the most finely decorated or elegant. In no way would this group of men ever wish to be anything elegant, so that was out of the question. Matt's house just ended up being the hot spot for their partying activities. It had been through out all the years. Apparently I'd known the guys for 10 years, first meeting them in 1999.

I focused in front of me as Brian drove. My eyes squinted slightly, trying to piece together another memory. Jimmy briefly flashed in front of my eyes. His hair was very tall, and it was blonde; very much unlike his current style. He was lacking his labret, tattoos, and over all manliness. That was all I could see, and that was all my mind would let me see.

"Aren't you," Brian started, looking at me momentarily. He seemed unsure of the rest of his unspoken sentence. Gazing back at the road, Brian tapped his fingers awkwardly on the steering wheel that was suffering mercilessly against Brian's tightening grip. "Don't you feel.. frightened at the thought of being in a vehicle?" He finished. He let out a breath, but his shoulders did not relax as he exhaled.

"Why would I be afraid if I can't remember it entirely?"

"Oh, yea." I smiled, still staring ahead. I was still attempting to gain memory, focusing on that image if Jimmy. Attempting to spark a memory of the accident, I stared at the road. The yellow lines flashed in front of me quickly as we passed each one. My eyes wandered the road to gaze at different cars, and especially trucks. But nothing happened.

When we finally pulled into what I assumed was Matt's driveway, I relaxed into the seat. This was a facade though. I was no where near relaxed. In my state of mind, I've never met a single person in that home aside from Jimmy, who I've only re-met two days before hand.

Brian appeared at my door and tugged it open. He stared at me expectantly, giving me a small smile. I was rather sure that nervousness had completely overtaken my expression. Brian reached one of his hands in front of me, into my line of vision.

"Come on. Once you meet them again, you'll feel comfortable. Besides, they've all missed you a lot." Taking his hand in mine, I let him drag me towards the house. Brian turned quickly and hit a button on his car keys before he turned back and barged right through Matt's front door.

"Honey! I'm home!" Brian called out, earning a giggle out of me. A group of people came running through an open door way ahead of us. Without much warning, my shocked body was tossed into some one's arms.

"Charlotte!" A rather large man held me, my feet dangling off the ground. I smiled timidly at the man whose face was close to mine. His smile, and dimples, were rather comforting though. Along with his hazel eyes, this man became less intimidating in the few seconds he held me to him. "Don't you ever do that again!" The man's eye brows furrowed, his expression changing from excitement to worry.

"Matt, calm down and put the girl down."

My body was placed on the ground carefully and the man whose name was Matt pushed my shoulder softly so I could see the whole group. Brian was off to the side, smiling. I could tell he was trying to encourage me, but it simply had failed. My eyes opened wide at the large group of boys and girls, all of which were staring at me with large grins. Jimmy was behind the group, but his head poked out effortlessly above the rest.

"Now, since I know you don't remember us, we're going to re-introduce ourselves." A blonde spoke. She took a few steps forward. She was upset, I could clearly tell. She was probably one of my closest friends.

"I'm Val. We're really close. This is Matt behind you, my fiancee." Val spoke, walking up and pulling Matt in front of me. They stepped off to the side so I could see everyone else.

"This would be Zacky and his girlfriend Gena." Val pointed towards a chubbier man with dark hair. Beside him stood a shorter blonde woman. They both smiled at me, and Zacky waved.

"Beside Zacky is Leanna, and you met Jimmy in the hospital. And beside Leanna is Matt and Jason Berry." Jimmy had mentioned Leanna at the hospital. She was a very pretty girl with copper and red hair. Her smile was very welcoming, and she just screamed adorable. Matt and Jason, who I assumed were brothers both seemed to have dorky smiles, but very friendly vibes to them. Jason had much longer hair than his brother Matt, so telling the difference between them would be easier.

"Our neighbour Johnny and his girlfriend Lacey are the last two." Johnny had blonde and black hair, and his girlfriend had long wavy brown hair. Johnny was a little shorter than Zacky, making him the shortest man in the room. He seemed nice.

But every person in this room seemed very nice.

And I felt horrible.

A few tears slipped from my eyes. I wished I never forgot them. My heart ached. They were all clearly hurt that I'd forgotten them. Did I mean that much?

"Alright guys, back into the kitchen." Brian said, noticing my discomfort. The group walked back into the kitchen without question, but most of them turned back, worried.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked, crouching down so he could look me in the eye. I looked at the ground, deciding not to lie. I shook my head no. I felt guilty. I felt responsible. I had caused the accident. I drove drunkenly. I stopped paying attention to the road. I risked Jimmy's life, not only mine. And now, I was hurting the people I loved most.

"I just feel so horrible Brian. They're all disappointed. They've lost all the history and memories I've had with them. You have too. I'm hurting you all." I answered an unasked question quietly. Looking up, I took in Brian's expression. Brian's face was closer than I thought it was. His eyes captivated me. My eyes stopped leaking.

His lips softly pressed against mine for one kiss. When he pulled away, I stared at him, shocked and breathless.

"But, one good thing about this memory loss is that everything is new once again." He smirked as he stood straight, his ego raising. I could envision a chart behind him, the tower representing his ego blowing straight through the roof.

Shaking the shock off, I glared playfully at him.

"Oh shut up." I brushed past him quickly and bravely walked into the kitchen. Immediately all eyes were on me.

"Someone make me a drink and give me a cigarette right now." I spoke confidently. I couldn't upset them by being shy. I had to pretend I remembered our past, for their sake.

Most of the people in the room smiled.

"But wouldn't drinking-"

"I'm not letting that ruin my life, and my way to have fun." I interrupted Matt, smiling up at him. Shrugging, he turned to the fridge, revealing a large collection of alcohol. He grabbed a brown bottle and popped off the lid.

"It's your favorite beer." He said, handing me the cold beverage. I grinned, sipping the drink. It was time to re-bond.
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I'm loving the feedback I've been getting, and I wish for this to continue! I still don't have enough commenting going on though, but thank you very much to those who have. :D
Loosing your memory would really suck to all the people you knew... I hate repeating myself, and that would involve a lot of repeating. D:
But yes, comment the crap out of this story. No need to be silent.