A Beautiful Tragedy

Road Trip

Everyone woke up very early the next day, sitting in my living room with their packed belongings. My mother and Brian's family also agreed to the trip. This would give me more time to spend with Brian's little step sister, McKenna.

"Every one ready?" Matt Berry called out within the house, ready to help anyone with their luggage. Did I forget to mention that the Berry brothers were coming as well? We all told him that we were, his brother and himself helping Erica and I with our stuff. How sweet.

"Can I ride with you Charlie?" McKenna asked from my side. I looked down at her and smiled before taking her hand, "Of course. I need to spend more time with my soon to be sister" hugging her smiling figure to my side. After talking about the car arrangements, we finally figured out who was riding with who.

Matt, Val, Michelle, Jimmy and Leana all rode in Matt's huge black escalade. Zacky, Erica, Johnny,Lacey and the Berry's rode in Zacky's vehicle. Both my mother and Brian's family agreed to ride with us in Brian's new SUV. I told Papa Gates to go ahead and take shot gun since it was clear that McKeena want me to sit next to her. I had no problem with that, was honored to have her look up to me all these years.

Next thing we all knew, we were on the rode, heading towards Disney World. I was very excited. The drive was only going to take us a few hours. This I wasn't too excited about because we have already been on the rode for not even 25 minutes and I have to pee. I can tell its going to be a long drive, damn pregnancy. Brian pulled into the nearest gas station. We thought to pick up last minute snacks since we were here.

"May I come with you?" McKenna asked, helping me getting out of the SUV. "Well of course sweetheart" taking her small hand in mine. I then turned to the rest before walking away, "We are going to the restroom". Everyone noded their heads till I saw Bully running over and taking McKenna's other hand. "I have to pee too" laughing with McKenna and I.

Once we were done with our business, we washed our hands and joined the rest who seemed entertained. Jimmy was protending to box Johnny just before he threw the short shit over his shoulder, my mother who never fails with her video recorder at hand.
"And here is the rest of the group, done with peeing I see" my mother teasing us three as she pointed the camera. I waved and laughed, "Hello mother. I see you found your purpose in life" joking with the lens closing up to my face. "Well I want to film and take pictures of everything. Keeping these memories going even after we are gone" smiling with her wisdom. Turning her camera back in time to see Brian chasing McKenna till she ran behind me.

Soon we climbed back into the vehicles and got back on the road. "Smile you two" heard my mother call. I looked over at her to see she was aiming to take a picture of McKenna and myself. McKenna shifted enough to where I threw my arms around her, laying my chin on her shoulder and smiled. The picture was taken and my mother then took one of Brian and Papa Gates talking, till I heard her speak.

"I'm sorry mother, what?"

"I said you two are perfect for each other" still messing with her cameras settings.

"How did you figure that one out?"

"How you two look at one another, with so much love. Knowing that you two have history only makes you both that much stronger"

I smiled and turned my attention to the veiw outside my window, catching my rings image a few times. Hope they are right because with us not sitting down and finding a date. I'm starting to get worried. Before I could continue my thoughts, I felt a certain weight lean against my arm. I looked down to see that McKenna fell asleep. This made me smile before pulling my arm around her sleeping figure and looked back out the window. Hearing my mother taking another one of her famous photos of us.

I took a quihk glimpse at the rear view mirror and saw Brian smiling at the sight. Me holding his baby step sister close to me.

Boy this drive was going to kill me, already I have to pee again! God please help me!
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Yay for new update. Here you go subscribers and readers. This is a filler though. If its short, sorry looks a lot more to me on my phone. Anyways live you all and please.....show me some support!!!!