Letters to Logan



Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I cut again.

After I promised you I wouldn't. And I'm sooo fucking sorry, Logan.

You see, the person that caused me to become suicidal/cut/sink into depression moved back. :/. I hate her so fucking much Logan! She's a bitch.

Last monday, during second hour, she called me an "emo freak" and told me to "go slit your wrists because you don't deserve to be on this planet".

Life isn't the same with out you, Logan.

How about some good news.

I came out to my dad. He won't talk to me, but I came out to him...

I peirced my lip..

Yes, I did it. It hurts like a mo-fo too. haha.

Logan. I learneded how to play a new song on the guitar.

If I Die Young - The Band Perry

It's our song, okay??

I'm going to go now Logan.

I miss you like fucking hell.

- Tori Elizabeth.
♠ ♠ ♠
The sharp knife of a short life...