Status: Completely written- now, to post it all

The Last Place


I followed Shea down to the track. Neither of us said a word until we sat on the stands. It was cold, but I did my best not to shiver. It would be a sign of weakness.

“I don’t know where to start,” Shea said quietly. I barely stopped myself from telling him ‘the beginning.’ I wasn’t going to make this easier for him, and I wasn’t going to encourage him to tell me whatever he thought it was I wanted to hear. I was fighting off a more extreme embarrassment than I’d ever known, and the urge to get away from him, to hide until I felt better, was hard to resist.

But I’d never been good at holding things back, when I really wanted to say them. I had no filter, sometimes. My mouth would just say things without my permission, and this… well, it was one of those times. “I’m sorry. This is ridiculous. It’s not like I have any right to be upset over this. I should go.” But now that I fully intended to leave, my body froze and I found that I couldn’t stand.

Shea grabbed my hand and squeezed. The warmth of it felt nice, so I didn’t pull away. “Don’t. Wait. Just… what you said earlier, about not wanting to like me? Well, I didn’t want to love you.”

I’m pretty sure I just about broke a finger of his or two, I tensed so much, and a sort of garbled noise came out of my mouth. Love?

“Yeah, that was pretty much how I reacted when I realized...” Shea coughed uncomfortably. “But I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. I thought I was going crazy at first. I mean, it was ridiculous. Aislin Connelly? Who in their right mind would have ever guessed that I’d get hung up on you? No offense, but you’re the last place I would have looked. I kissed Melanie because I was hoping it would put everything back into perspective. I was hoping I’d suddenly realize that I wasn’t in love with you, after all.”

“Did it work?” I whispered.

“Nope. Guess I’m a hopeless case.” We stared at each other for a long moment before bursting into healthy, tension-breaking laughter.

“You’re right. I think you might need to get your head checked. But while we’re at it, I guess I could use a head scan, too,” I joked weakly. Shea grinned and took my face in his hands, tilting it this way and that.

“Looks alright to me,” he said seriously; the glint in his eyes gave away his amusement, though. “You know what would be really insane?”

“Fine, I’ll bite. What?” I was just glad that the mood had changed.

“If you were my girlfriend.”

My heart started racing and in any other moment, I would have laughed at myself. “Imagine what our classmates will think.”

“Does that mean you want to give it a shot? I’m warning you, I’ve been told I’m arrogant and unfeeling. And what was that last one? Narcissistic.” I laughed, remembering the day when I’d called him all of those things.

“I think I can handle it. But thanks for the warning.”

“I didn’t say that I forgive you,” Shea said. I frowned and studied his expression- he didn’t look mad.

He did, however, look like a little kid trying to wheedle his way into getting a cookie. “I’m sorry?” I said. It sounded more like a question than anything. What was it he was getting at?

“Not good enough. You, Miss Connelly, owe me.”

“Do I even know how I’m supposed to make it up to you?”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll mind it too much. Just a little kiss?”

I grinned and leaned in close. I could get used to this, I thought. He smelled so, so good. When our lips were a whisper away, I paused, enjoying the electric feeling I got just from the anticipation of touching him, and quickly pecked him on the cheek.

“What was that?” Shea complained. I widened my eyes innocently.

“You did say ‘little’,” I pointed out.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to work? No way.” And before I had time to prepare myself, he’d scooted closer and kissed me dizzy.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the end. The epilogue will be up tomorrow.

And my most heartfelt apology for missing the past couple of nights. I just keep forgetting to post. I'm caught up in work, school, NaNoWriMo, family things, and, you know... sleep.. Thanks so much for your patience.
