Status: hiatus.

Noone In Particular


There is something you should all know about Hazel Zuniga.
She hasn’t displayed emotion in five years.

It all started when Hazel’s dad passed away when she was twelve.

“Poor Hazel,” her relatives cried, though they never truly know how much Hazel loved her father.

She did not cry nor did she lock herself in her for days while blasting music so loud that her neighbours three doors down could probably hear. She simply moved on but swore to herself and to her deceased father that she would never show emotion.

Her promise was kept for five year onward. By the second year, her mother became worried and contacted every physiologist in the city. Hazel told them exactly what was going on but the tests kept coming and she took every one of them co-operatively knowing that her mother was worried and only meant well.

Hazel would never allow her face to betray her feelings. Her younger sister was never bothered by her older sister’s emotions, or lack thereof. So the Zuniga family continued to function in their twisted little way, well at least that’s what the neighbours say.

However, Hazel believed that her family was perfectly fine just the way they were.

Hazel was special. She loved the father she would never see again. She loved the green eyes she would never have. She loved her animated sister that would never cease to amaze her. She loved the auburn hair on her head that she would never change. And most importantly she loved the fact that she was in love with no one in particular.

Or at least that’s what she always told herself.