Status: hiatus.

Noone In Particular


"So you're sure you two aren't dating?" Alice bounced up and down on her spot on the floor.

"I'm sure Al. We're just friends, if not less." Hazel whispered the last part to herself.

"Almost finished." Eli spoke up.

"Great, let me see." He passed the laptop over to his partner and she skimmed through the work.

"I'm having trouble closing it without sounding like a fifth-grader." he groaned to the side of her. Hazel almost laughed at his distress.

"Okay, how about this." she typed quickly ending the essay with a wispy quote.

"That's...way better than what I thought of."

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." she cocked her head to the side.

God she's cute. He thought for maybe the sixteenth time in the past hour.

"Yeah." he got up and walked to the door. "See ya beautiful!"
With that he left.

"I think he likes you and he seems nice."

"Yeah and so do bears, until they you know, eat you."

"You're silly Hazel. He wouldn't eat you."

"Mm." she hummed and busied herself with making her sister dinner.

~ ~ ~

"Open up your textbooks to page 127."

"I had fun yesterday Hazel, I should come over more often." Eli didn't bother to whisper to his partner. Heads turned to them in astonishment. No one expected that the two were so close.

"Mr. Sunryte, is my teaching getting in the way of your flirting?"

He sunk back into his seat with a sheepish smile.


The balding man grunted and proceeded to write on the blackboard.

Class ended far too late for Hazel's liking and she bolted out of the door practically leaving a skid mark on a student.

"Wait up!" Eli called behind her. Catching up to the fleeing redhead.

"Look, I have to ask you something Hazel. Would you go out with me?"

"Absolutely not." she didn't wait two seconds to reply him.

"Why not?"

"Because to tell you the truth Elijah you are arrogant, obnoxious, relentless, and completely childish almost like a baby. And I most definitely would regret pretending to date you while in all reality I'm basically babysitting you. Now, are you coming to lunch or not?"

Eli blinked a couple of times but followed her to the lunch room.
Hazel picked a table and waited for Chris.



Eli stood up with a devious idea planted in his head. He pushed Hazel's hair out her face and brought his face close to hers.

"W-what do you think you're doing?"

He brought his lips to hers and kissed her. After a few seconds he
pulled away with a satisfied smirk, her face a deep scarlet. Eli was
completely happy that he made her do something. He stood up and smiled
at her again.

"What the hell?" Hazel mumbled to herself as she watched him leave the

Eli figured there was no point in staying at school for the whole day.
It wasn't like he was learning any valuable life lessons. He walked to
the train station since his car was with his sister Maddie today. He
sat in the nearly empty train, waiting for his stop to be called to
girls across from him arguing about what band had a better EP. Eli
finally got into his apartment twenty minutes later.

"Maddie? You home?"

"Yeah. Why aren't you at school."

"Look who's talking."

"I've got the day off, loser."

"Shut up, wicked bitch of the east."


"Look, I didn't come early to argue. There's this girl and-" Madelene
Sunryte cut him off.

"Woah woah woah. A girl? What's going on?"
Eli proceeded to tell his older sister all about Hazel and what he'd

"She sounds pretty spectacular. So wait, you kissed her?"

"Yup. And yeah she is pretty special." Maddie started to chuckle.

"What’s so funny?"

"It sounds like you're in love." she sang in a taunting voice.

"Shut up. You and I both know love is impossible for me."

Madelene looked at her brother with a sad smile.

"Yeah. Well I'm going to see that new movie with a friend."

"Which one?" Not that he really cared.

"That new one with that guy and that girl with like eight ex
boyfriends or something."


"Yeah see ya kiddo."
♠ ♠ ♠
Didn't edit thoroughly, too tired.